red velvet ice cream

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After fixing my hair and dusting my clothes, I pulled my phone out just as Ashton texted. Instead of replying I simply walked out and found him sitting in a corner alone.

'Hey' I smiled and his answering smile lit up his entire face. He looked so relieved that I wanted to laugh at him.

'You thought I had ditched you again' I said and he grinned in response. 'Come on! I'm not that bad' I sighed sitting next to him.

I noticed he has

d changed out of his school attire and his black jeans and black shirt made me conscious of my clothes.

'I went to see a friend and came straight here' I told him even though he hadn't asked.

'Someone I know?' he asked and I shook my head.

'Just an old friend I hadn't gotten a chance to see in a while' I replied, looking at my hands. I felt stupid for losing all the time I could have had with her.

'I like your hair better this way' he said noticing my silence and I mentally thanked my hair for curling perfectly.

'Too bad yours is still a mess' I teased and he cringed which made me laugh. He loved his hair way too much and worried about it even more!

'Do you want me to get you something?' he asked, still running his hand through his hair trying to fix it and we both got up together.

'Have you been here before?' he asked and I nodded.' It's close to my house and their brownie with ice cream is to die for' I said.

As we approached the counter, Ashton took his time looking at the flavors while I ordered my favorite.

'One killer brownie with red velvet ice cream' I said while Ashton made gagging sounds.

'Who orders red velvet ice cream?' he asked and I scowled at him.

'That's my favorite' I said and he pretended to puke.

'What would you like?' the guy asked Ashton who was still looking at the flavors. He was considering every flavor with so much attention, as if deciding which one to marry and eventually ordered half a scoop of every flavor except red velvet. His brownie was completely covered with ice cream by the time he was done.

As I pulled out my wallet, Ashton beat me to it.

'Hey don't' I said and he ignored me.

'Ashton let me pay' I protested but he completely ignored me and the cashier gave him the reciept without even looking at me as I pushed my money forward.

'Take it' I turned to Ashton scowling but he ignored me while taking his change back.

'This is the last time you offer to pay' he said seriously. 'You're my girlfriend and I would never let you pay' he said and his words send a round of butterflies in my stomach.

Before turning around, he put ten dollars in a the tip jar which made me raise my eye brows. I knew he was loaded but really?

Having noticed my raised eyebrows he explained, "while we were arguing over ice cream flavors he got pulled back by his boss and from his expressions I'm guessing he got yelled at but instead of being an ass to us he was pretty nice. So he sort of deserved it' Ashton explained shrugging and I was genuinely touched by his thoughtfulness.

'You notice a lot of things' I commented.

'I am pretty observant' he winked and I chuckled.

'So what have you observed about me?' I asked and he pretended to study me for a second.

'That you have ice cream on your chin' he said and I blushed, vigorously rubbing my chin as he cracked up.

'Real mature' I rolled my eyes at him and he continued laughing.

As his laughter finally died down he looked me in the eyes, 'you don't have to take on the world alone. You look like you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. This is the time when you need to have fun or else you'll end up miserable' he said and I looked away. His change of mood left me uncomfortable. Besides I had long since come to terms with how things were.

I took a spoonful of my ice cream and offered Ashton but he pursed his lips tightly and shook his head vigorously.

'Come on. It's really good' I urged him but he shook his head stubbornly.

'Ashton...' I scolded him and he laughed at my expression and I shoved the spoon in his mouth and he looked like he might choke and die.

'See that wasn't so bad' I said and he stared at me like I had actually poisoned him.

'I almost died' he said dramatically, making me laugh.

'Here' I said offering another spoonful but just as he opened his mouth, I ate it myself.

'Who's acting mature now?' he asked and I stuck my tongue out.


read this. I'm so sorry I know I'm swtiching between present and past a tense a lot. I write in past tense but there's a story I've beem reading and it's in present tense sooo when I'm writing I just don't realise when I switch. But please vote and comment.

Silver Lining (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن