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upon a time there was an omega and he was mated to the worst alpha to ever live to ever walk the face of the earth the alpha was cruel to the innocent omega rapeing him and killing every single child the omega would produce in till the omega's heart stopped beating and he died of a broken heart and finally the curse was lifted from the cruel alpha's eyes and he weeped over his dead omega begging him to breath once more hed give up anything to see his beautiful bright blue eyes once more to show him what a real alpha was to show him love he never got as the days passed and the omega didn't open his eyes magnus poured all his magic into him in one last attempt to save his one true love and omega Alexander lightwood-bane the mother and caretaker of his children that he murdered in cold blood his heart was broken as he lie there holding his still born baby and his omega as he died closing his eyes for the last time


alexander lightwood had always been groomed to be the best alpha in the idris pack he lived for it that was all his parents talked about how one day he would be alpha he was the oldest lightwood child and he would be pack leader that was until he came out at 16 as gay than to top it off an omega his father the pack alpha sold him for food for fucking food to the most evil the cruelest alpha to ever life magnus bane pack leader of the edom pack after magnus killed his father at the age of 7 years old a pup a pup killed a full grown alpha no wonder everyone was scared of him.anyway he became alpha of the evilest strongest pack the world had ever seen legend has it his father with his dieing breath cursed him to kill his omega when he found him and to be forever alone.

People basically give alpha bane whatever he wants. He demands unreasonable things and he gets them. Nobody has ever attacked his pack since he became alpha, but would you? I would hope not because i wouldn't want to be locked in the dungeons of his kingdom.the evilest kingdom with a just as evil king to guide them the half-demon spawn my father gave me too magnus bane for 500 pounds of food along with one of my friends simon lewis to say the least i was terrified hopefully i wasn't his omega but on the other hand no one could be worse than my father with his homophobic ness and his hate for male omegas and his eldest son the one he was counting on to be the alpha turned out to be a gay male omega now who did he turn to his princess iz not that i'm mad at her for being the alpha but it does make me sad i couldn't make my father happy i just make things worse i should just disappear and never ever wake up they would have their happily ever after while the cast away the disappointment of a son was the sex toy of the evilest alpha to ever walk the face of the earth.

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