"Well hes gone now. Lets go to lunch." He said with disappointment.

"What?!" Had Bill been there the whole time?! I have to go find him.  I ran first to go down the hall when Elliot grabbed my hand.

"My boyfriend will not be running after that snake like creature anymore. Come eat lunch with me now." He kissed my cheek and took my hand. I was honestly about to cry. Elliot was evil. Elliot was no friend of a Bill's.

We walked into the hall to see. Lydia smiling at us. Then she looked down and he smile quickly disappeared.

"You better say that you love me and act like it or else i'll-" He whispered into my ear as we got closer. He never finished his sentence but there was no need. He made that clean in the hall.

"Elliot?! Dipper what are you thinking?! Why are you holding hands?! What if Bill sees you?!" I regret living life. Im going to kill myself.

"Who cares about Bill. Im here will my one true love." I felt a hand on my thigh. Lydia jumped with shock and so did I. Why was he touching me? What if someone saw us?

"But on your neck! You...yo...i thought..."

"Well you thought wrong. Im Elliots boyfriend. These are Elliot hickeys. I hate Bill after he spread those rumors  about us. I mean I hold a guys hand once!" Lydia looked at us wide eyed. Then I saw a flash of sad emotion in her eyes but it was gone.

Then I felt Elliots hand move up. I wish that was Bill instead. I wish Bill wouldn't run away for a month and I could tell him everything. This happened so fast and I know im sick now.


"My little pine trees right." He hand was now on my crotch and trying to run harder and harder. Im a human and it started to harden. I hated him though. Why would my body take pleasure in someone touching him that wasn't Bill?

"Im sorry I have to go to the bathroom." I stood up and ran out before anyone could say anything.

When I got to the bathroom I started to cry. Everything hit like a bus. Bill had seen them kiss. He had seen Elliot touch what was Bill's. He now hated me. Bill hates me and Elliot wants to fuck. The saddest thing about it is me for letting all this happen. I was to blame for Bill's now hurt heart. I was to blame for my families death, for all the abuse from stan, and for hurting everyone I ever loved.

Suddenly the door opened and I saw Elliot smirking at me.

"Wow if you would have told me to get you in private earlier we could have-"

"I hate you."  Whispered at first. This was my fault but he was also being a down right jerk. Why me? Why ruin my already broken world?

"Come now pine tree you don't mean that."

"I do. And I don't want anything to do with you! You ruined everything! I was finally happy with Bill the one I truly loved and would never hurt! Now he thinks I just dumped him or even was cheating on him because of you! And what was all this for?! You don't really love me! You just want to see lives crumble into ash and die!"  Ran out and to m locker. I started to grab everything. I didn't want Mabel to have to clean up my mess. She already hates me so why make extra work for them. For everyone.
Suicide disclaimer: attempt suicide. Please if u get triggered don't read this next part. Cutting and pills warning.
"What are you doing?" I heard a confused familiar voice from behind me.

"Im not in the mood."  Turned to see Lydia. She had tears in her eyes and a knowing look.

"I talked to um Bill." She whispered. By the mention of his name I broke down into more tears. He was hurt. He hated me now. He sent Lydia to say its over for them and he doesn't even want to see my face. "Oh dipper what did you do? What did you say to Elliot? If you just told me we could fix all of this." She sounded hurt. Oh god I hurt her too. Of course Bill was her best friend. By hurting him I hurt others.

"Maybe some-o-other time." I didnt even bother to zip up my bag and ran out of the school. I ran all the way home.

When I got there no one was home. My great uncles were at work and Mabel was at school. So now was the perfect time. The earth didn't need me anymore. I don't even know why I was here in the first place.

Ran inside and ran into the bathroom. I fished out the box under the tiles and searched for the blades that I thought would help take that pain away. I cut but it did nothing. I started to cry even more. My eyesight becoming blurry. I cut deeper and deeper. The blood ran everywhere.

I lost so much blood I could barely move.  I felt the bottle beside me that I had laid out. Pills. That would help. I unscrewed the lid and dumped some into my mouth. It wasn't easy to swallow but all of the pills were soon gone and I just lay there waiting for death to take me to a better place.

"Dipper..." I hurt someone come in and I felt there body lump next to mine. Its to late. I wanted to say. But I couldn't find the. Strength to even open my eyes. The person shook me.  Then I heard another voice before I passed out.

"Im So Sorry. Dorito."Where stories live. Discover now