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Little Sara murdered somebody when she was four.

She wasn't at fault.

Or maybe she was, but she didn't want to admit it. Sara was four when she accidentally killed her brother who was only one. She didn't mean to do it. She only wanted to play with him, so she fed him all the beads she laid her hands on and when he choked, she only watched him in confusion.

Her parents think her brother played with the beads and killed himself by accident. Sara wasn't even aware that she was the one who killed him. She felt guilty. But she never told anyone her secret.

Sara's mommy cried for days. Sara wasn't sure why, but she also felt sad when she saw her mommy cry. She knew her daddy wanted to act tough so he held back all his tears but Sara knew he was sad too.

Her brother passed away. All because of her. Now Sara won't have a play mate. She won't have anyone to play with. She was lonely.

But Sara can't be happy anymore. Though young, every time she looked at her tiny little hands, she would remember that those hands of hers were the ones that killed her little brother.

She can't erase the memories. They embedded themselves in her head when she was just a young and naive child. They ate her up in her dreams. No longer were they dreams. They were nightmares. Nights passed and Sara stayed up more and more, alarming her parents.

They say it's just a phase. A trauma from having her brother died. They don't get it. They don't get it because they don't know what Sara has done.

Her parents bring her to therapy, and Sara was nearly convinced it would help her. The therapist was a kind lady who gave Sara her favourite colour pencils whenever she was a good girl. But Sara can't erase history. Whatever has happened continues to play on. The therapist doesn't know what else to do until one day, she didn't need to know anymore.


Because Sara ran away.

~Author's Notes~

They're all just short chapters, just giving you an early warning. :)


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