•Shooting Practice•

Start from the beginning

"You seem very quick to do something random. Did you even bother to think about looking for an armory?" He asked with a smile.

"No." She said looking at him. "But what's the point of I found what I needed in an easier way." She said looking to him putting the last of her arrows in the bag.

They started heading inside and Maya tried to retrace her steps. She remember the guard say a right and two lefts, but she forgot the order he said them. She started to take a right first and then she took another. Everything looked the same. "Hmm." She thought as she looked at the end. There was a left and a right and she decided to go left. She walked forward and she didn't recognize the hallway.

She stopped walking and looked around. "What's wrong?" Zach asked as he stopped with her.

"I don't know where I am." She said looking to the hallways confused. "There was a guard here earlier but I guess he left."

Zach started to laugh a little. "I know it's hilarious. Getting lost in my own home." She sighed looking at him unamused.

"I'm sorry, it's just you'd think you'd know how to get somewhere recognizable." He said looking to her trying to stop laughing.

"You know what. I have an idea." She said looking to him mischievously.

"What's with that look?" He asked looking to her. Maya remembered that she had magic, but Zach didn't know that. She thought it would be funny to give him a scare by teleporting them to where she needed to go.

"Here." She said putting out her hand. He looked at her hesitantly. "Just grab my hand." She said raising her eyebrows.

She closed her eyes and imagined the box she had taken the weapons out of. She took a deep breath and felt her body teleport. She opened them to see the box she had gotten her bow and arrows from. She let go of Zach and put the weapons up.

She looked back to him and he looked at her shocked. "So you have magic?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah I do." She said looking to him. "Don't doubt me so much next time." She smiled with a bit of sass. She took off her shoes and put them by her door to her room and looked at him. "Let's go get dinner shall we?" She said as she started running.

"Wait up!" He yelled to her as she ran.

"Catch up!" She said back as she kept running. She eventually made it and he caught up to her.

"For living in a place with rare wild animals, you run really fast." He said catching his breath.

"I was in Neverland running from people trying to kill me for a while." She said catching her breath.

"Oh okay because that is a normal thing that happens to people." He said with sarcasm.

"I'll see you later. I have to go sit with my parents." She said to him as she started to walk to the dinner table.

"You were cutting it close Maya. I was almost worried." Her mom said looking to her.

"Sorry. I got lost in the castle." She answered sitting down.

"Did you have fun today?" David asked looking to her.

"Yeah I'm doing pretty well with the bow." She smiled to him.

"Good." He smiled to her. They began to eat as everyone talked and had a good time. Maya noticed a significant amount of people weren't there. She assumed they had left to build homes. "Excuse me." David said tapping his glass as him and Snow stood up.

"This again." Regina said with an eye roll as she ate.

"He hasn't said anything yet." Maya said looking to her confused. Regina gave her an annoyed look before David started to talk again.

"I know a lot of the town has left the castle to go build homes, so we wanted to make this announcement before the rest of you left. Our daughters Maya and Emma have a birthday coming up." He said looking to Maya. "Although Emma isn't here to celebrate with us, we'd like to through a ball for them." David said looking to the people as Maya smiled to him.

"So on October 22, we'd like all of you to join us for a birthday ball for our two daughters." Snow smiled as she looked to the people and then Maya. Maya was a little teary eyed.

"I hope you all can make it. It'll be a nice way to remember Emma and Henry." She smiled to the people as she stood up and wiped her tears.

"Thank you." David said to them as they started to talk again. Maya hugged both of them. She was happy to know that even though Emma wasn't there, she would still be celebrated. Maya was excited for it to come.

Curious: Restless ~OUAT Fanfic~ [Season 3]Where stories live. Discover now