Even Though

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Malec has a girl named Maxine who is five.
Maxine's POV
Aunt Clary was babysitting me. We were going to the park and she was tying my shoes for me.

"Auntie how come I have two daddies and no mommy?"I ask and she finishes tying my shoes and taking my hand leading me outside and down the street.

"Well because your dads are in love,why?"She asks.

"I don't know I was just wondering,so my dads like boys?"I ask looking up at her.

"No not just any boys they like each other"She says.

"So they don't like anyone else?"

"Yes but not in the way they love each other."She explains.

"So my dads only like boys?"I ask trying to comprehend what she was telling me.

"Yes in a romantic way but in a friend and family short of way they like boys and girls and before you daddy Magnus found your dad Alec he liked boys and girls romantically"I was very confused.

"Huh?"I ask.

"Nevermind your daddies only love each other"She says.

But what about me?

"I wanna go home"I say tugging on her hand with tears in my eyes.

"Oh ok"She says as I begin running she speed walks to keep up. I knew the way home from the park so I ran until I got there and shut the door on Clary. I go to my room running past my dads who were sitting on the couch in the living room.

I slam my door shut and push my dollhouse in front of it. I fall on my knees in front of my bed and pull my Disney Princess's suitcase from under my bed and begin throwing my clothes and favorite toys in it-mainly toys. At this point my dads had opened the door.

Alec tried picking me up but I begin to thrash and scream.

"Maxine calm down"Magnus raises his voice and I stop neither of my dads had done that before.

"What is wrong honey?"Alec asks.

"You don't love me!"I yell and see hurt flash in both of their eyes.

"Why-why would you say that?"Alec asks.

"Because you only like boys"I whisper looking down.

"No,honey why would you think that we don't love you"Magnus says.

"But aunt Clary said you only loved boys in a romantical way"I say struggling with the word.

"That means that we love each other in a way that makes us husbands but we love you just the same amount as we love each other but in a different way,we love you in a daddy-daughter way"Magnus explains.

"Oh,so I don't have to move in with uncle Simon?"I ask.

"No sweetheart"Magnus says chuckling and taking me off of Alec's lap and putting me into his and kissing my forehead.

"Good because he is super weird"I say making both of my dads laugh.

YAY!!!!!!!!!! FLUFF  




OK so I was looking through my drafts for this book and I thought I published this but apparently not     oops sorry

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