When my eyelids lifted again, Avi had a huge smile on his lips. I took the opportunity to be silly and play with that.

- But I thought that this was our first date... - I wrinkled my face and forced a tone of innocence in my voice, making Avi take a few seconds to understand the joke and then laughing immediately. I did the same, and took advantage of our proximity to extend my feet on my heels and throw my body on his chest, where I leaned with my hands, leaving an affectionate kiss on his bearded cheek. He held my body by the waist instantly, and giggled when my lips touched his skin, sliding his hand that held my wrist by my arms, then going up to my face and pulling me away slowly. At some point between that, I felt a twinge in my head that was now familiar, due to the constancy that it came to me in those days.

- Ouch! - I immediately took my left palm to my forehead, resting my face on it.

- Ali, are you okay? - Avi suddenly broke the smile and took both of his hands to my shoulders, squeezing them slowly with concern.

- Yes, yes I am... - I said weakly, but eventually making it more audible. - It's just a stab in my head, no biggie. Just let me get my purse. - I said pulling away from him, causing him to release my shoulders and let me go, but I still felt his worried gaze on me.

- Are you sure you’re okay? - he asked looking me in the eyes as soon as I came back with my purse in hands.

- Of course, it's no big deal. I don’t want anything to disturb our night - I replied smiling, and he nodded with a faint smile back, guiding me to the door, where we gradually drifted apart, leaving the empty apartment.

  I wasn’t surprised when he rushed to open the car door for me when we got to the garage. That was just one of many acts of chivalry that Avi demonstrated throughout the night. I was immensely pleased to share that moment with him, and I didn’t try to hide my happiness: I was smiling the whole time.

  We got to the restaurant after a few minutes, and then we were directed to the table that had been reserved.

  The place was incredibly extensive, and had a hall with warm and classic lighting. On the first floor where we were greeted superbly, there was a long, narrow bar, which accompanied the rounded design of the walls. At the center, a huge spiral staircase, which revolved around a chandelier of three or four layers of crystal lamps, making the whole atmosphere similar to a castle.

  The second floor had low ceilings, and it was possible to get very close to the base of the chandelier adorned by the stairs, revealing the beautiful decorated glass dome that sustained it. Tables were strategically distributed in the location, ensuring the refinement of customers. The windows were huge, completely covering the area between the floor and ceiling, leaving visible the giant skyscrapers of Los Angeles, and giving the impression that the city would swallow us at any time. I was stunned.

- Wow... - I sighed, as the waiter pushed my chair forward so I sat on it, making Avi chuckle - this place is amazing! - I whispered admired, as he dispensed the waiter to decide what we were going to order.

- Well, I'm glad you like it. - he said with another one of his most beautiful smiles, putting his hands on the menu and opening it with class, lifting it up to eye level. - I hope the food is also... - Avi started to speak, but his eyes suddenly got lost over the menu.

- What? - I said still smiling, watching him in doubt.

- No... it's nothing, it's just your... - he whispered, and before he concluded I heard a familiar laugh, making me turn my head quickly and look at the huge table behind us over my shoulders. - ...friend.

  Ethan was standing, along with six or seven other colleagues, all with raised glasses and toasting 'success', 'fortune', 'health'. Probably celebrating his way to the branch in the north. I lowered my head to think about it, but it incredibly didn’t affect me. I returned my gaze to Avi, who was glaring at Ethan, and I chuckled at the aggressive reaction he took. He suddenly shook his head and met my eyes, settling on the table.

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