Chapter Eighteen:

Start from the beginning

I wasn’t easily scared- I’d ridden thestrals before, thestrals that I couldn’t see and I flew broomsticks throughout the school year. I even rode a hippogryph once. But none of them could compare to the sheer speed that was a vampire.

I’d been so dizzy afterwards I couldn’t even drive, and Edward commandeered my truck. He was appropriately apologetic, though annoyingly amused by my weak stomach, as I’d narrowly missed throwing up all over his shoes.

I’d very sternly told him that was never happening again. He’d nodded solemnly, but had a gleam in his eyes that told me his sincerity was decidedly lacking.

I was heating up dinner in the microwave when I heard Charlie’s key turn in the door. “Bella?” he called out.

“In here!” I yelled back. He clumped into the kitchen, looking exhausted. Somewhat amused, I watched as he basically collapsed in his seat.

“God, I’m bushed.” He sighed.

“Have a fun time?” I snickered.

“Yep, the fish were biting.” He grinned, before his smile fell a bit. My smile fell too. “We, um, we never finished our conversation. Last night.”

“I know.” I looked down at my plate, not hungry anymore. After I told him about the War, I’d escaped upstairs before he could ask me any questions. 

“Can we… can we talk about it?” He asked. I chewed my lip, hard enough to draw blood.

“I’d rather not.” I tell him, my voice quiet.

“Can you at least tell me if you’re in danger?” He asked, after several moments. My eyes prickled suspiciously, and I angrily swiped at them with the back of my hand. “Bella?” his voice was now alarmed.

“I’m safe here,” I tell him, taking a deep, shaky breath to try and calm myself. “I’m safe here.” I repeat, wondering who I’m really trying to convince here. Charlie?

…or me?

Charlie observes me, for a long moment, then nods. “Okay.” He says, and then the conversations over.

I escape to my room, as quickly as I could, and almost scream as I see a shape on my chair, only to swear under my breath when I realize who it was. “You gave me a heart attack!” I hissed at Edward. His expression is appropriately apologetic. 

“I’m sorry Bella. I should have announced my presence.” I scowl at him, before my expression softens.

“What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to see you.” He admits.

“We saw each other a few hours ago.” I remind him, even as my heart skips a beat. He smiles at me, crookedly, and I almost stop breathing. Oh my.

“I missed you.”

“Well, good thing I missed you too.” I told him, before making shooing gestures with my hands. “Go stand outside while I change, and for the love of god don’t let Charlie see you.” I tell him.

He nods, disappearing, and I quickly pull out my nicest pair of pajamas. Isobel bought them for me, and they’re normally a little too girly for my taste, but I want to look nice.

Thinking of Isobel makes my gaze flick over to the old radio on my desk, and then my heart stutters. Oh my god, how long was Edward up here? I think, eyes widening. I quickly rush through my conversation with Charlie in my mind, and almost sigh in relief when I come to the conclusion neither of us mentioned the word magic, war or witch. I’m also relieved to see that none of my magical things are in view, they’re all hidden.

“You can come back in.” I say quietly, knowing that Edward will be able to hear me. He glides back in, closing the door gently behind him, and sits on my bed. My pulse rate quickens, and I have to lick my suddenly dry lips. “So… this is the first time you snuck into my bedroom, right?” I ask him. His suddenly sheepish expression makes my eyes widen with horror.

“You’re very interesting when you sleep.” He states. “You talk.” His gaze then grows somber. “And scream.” I decide to ignore that last part, instead gape at him noiselessly in horror. His expression widens in alarm and shifts to chagrin. “Are you very angry with me?”

“That depends!” I felt like, and sounded like, I’d had the breath knocked out of me. Edward waited.

“On?” he urged.

“On what you heard!” I wailed. Oh god, the Potterwatch? He hadn’t heard that, had he? Surely not, he would have mentioned it! Instantly, he was at my side, taking my hands carefully in his.

“Don’t be upset!” he pleaded. He dropped his face to the level of my eyes, holding my gaze. “You miss your friend Luna. You worry about her. You have… nightmares. Frequently. You say a name sometimes…” He hesitates, “well, not a name. ‘You-Know-Who.’” I look away, deciding not to answer his unspoken question.

“Anything else?” I demand.

“You did say my name.” He admitted, and I whirled back around to look at him, my worry about what I might have revealed about the magical world to him while I was sleeping completely forgotten in the face of my embarrassment.

“Oh Merlin!” I squeak, cheeks bright red, “dear god, please tell me it was just once!” Seeing the look in his eyes, I droop my head slightly. “A lot?”

“How much do you mean by ‘a lot’ exactly?” he asked.

“Shit.” I allowed myself to mutter, hanging my head. Edward pulled me against his chest, gently.

“Don’t be self-conscious.” He whispered. “If I could dream at all, it would be about you. In a hundred years…I never imagined anything like this. I didn’t believe I would ever find someone I wanted to be with… in another way than my brothers and sisters.” He whispered.

I forgave him in a heartbeat, mostly because of the sudden guilt rising up inside me.

He loved me and I was a liar.

“Shall I sing you to sleep?” He murmured into my hair. I made a sound of agreement, not trusting myself to speak. Not trusting that my voice wouldn’t be thick with guilt and shame.

I flopped down on the bed, and patted the mattress beside me. Edward hesitated for a second, then gracefully lowered himself down next to me. I shuffled over slightly, so I was curled up beside him. “Good night Bella.” He murmured, his sweet, cool breath brushing against my ear.

“Good night.” I said it quietly, mumbled it really. Hopefully he would confuse it with tiredness, not an effort to hide my tone. And then he started to hum an unfamiliar lullaby, gently, and I drifted to sleep in his cold arms.

And I didn’t dream once.

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