Dean: I wanted to know more about this party for Faith. Do you think she'll mind if I came to spend time with you.

Eva: Of course not. You're her friend and so am I. She'd be thrilled.

Dean: Where's the party gonna be at

Eva: The club a few blocked away from the hotel

Dean: Oh okay bye baby, I love you

Eva: *gasps* Aw I love you too

I hung up and started to gag. I felt bad for lying to her about loving her, but hey that's life. I slid my card and walked into my room. Seth and Roman were there and they were laying on my bed taking up the entire space. "Hey!" I exclaimed and they just shrugged their shoulders. "Hey Faith's having a party at the club, wanna come?" I asked. "Naw man we got dates." Seth said pointing to himself and Roman. "Oh really? With who?" I asked sitting on the other bed. "Kaitlyn and Summer." Roman said. "Really Summer? Why would anybody in their right mind go with Summer?" I asked in disbelief. Roman could do better than that, but he just shrugged. "She's not that bad." Roman stated. "Not that bad my foot." I mumbled before walking into the bathroom.

Faith's POV

Once I walked into my room everyone was there. The Bellas, The Funkadactlys, Natalya, and of course Eva since it's her room too. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked. "Waiting for you!" Cameron exclaimed. "We need to go to the mall and get outfits for tonight." Naomi explained. "Outfits for what?!" I asked. "Your bachelorette party at the club." Natalya said in an obvious tone. When we walked out of the hotel there was a limo waiting for us. We all piled in and were driven to the mall.

Once we made it, we got out and locked elbows, walking inside.

2 Hours Later

We finally finished the shopping spree and were in my room watching some random movie on TV. I was laying on my bed with Eva on one side of me and Natalya on the other, while The Bellas and Funkadactyls were sitting on the floor at the foot of the bed. Halfway into the movie I received a text from Dean.

Dean: Have fun tonight, I know I will

Me: What do you mean by that?

He never text back with an answer. I just ignored it and went back into the movie.


Once 9:30 came around the girls were rushing to get ready for the party. I was wearing a royal blue party dress with sliver open toed shoes. My hair was straight this time, but I was gonna wear the hoops again. After washing my hands I slipped my ring back on and examined it before putting on the charm bracelet Jon gave me earlier today. When I walked out the girls were ready sitting on the two beds waiting for me. They smiled at me, but once they saw the ring they shook their heads in disapproval. "When you're at a bachelorette party wedding rings are not permitted." Cameron explained taking the ring and placing it on the bedside table. I grabbed my sliver clutch and walked out with the others. We hopped back into the limo and headed to the club. Once we got there it was really crowded, but there was a HUGE table by the bar that said Reserved: WWE Divas. I pointed it out to the others, because they were trying to find it and we all sat down and started talking.

Dean's POV

Seth and Roman already left for their dates which left me to get ready for the club. I wore jeans and I a black t-shirt. I put my phone in my pocket along with my room key and headed out walking instead of driving.

When I made it to the club I immediately spotted Faith and the girls and walked over. Eva was at the end and as much as I didn't want to I sat beside her. "Hey babe." she greeted giving me a hug. "Hey." I greeted back. Faith was in the middle lost in a conversation. I stared at her with a smile on my face. After a minute or two I left the table and went to the bar.

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