"Don't worry. I'll be good I swear. We'll take a walk. Is there somewhere we can...?"

I cleared my throat and nodded. "Um, yeah. You can follow... Well, me." 

After greeting Michael with a kiss to the cheek and glancing around for a non-present Amy, I led her out the back and down the steps onto the man made path.

"Oh! I haven't introduced myself. Jacqueline Beaumont. But please call me Jackie." She held out her hand.

I took it. "I'm Evie but you know who I am..." 

"Indeed I do. I've heard quite a bit from my dear brother. Which," She released my hand with a small smile."I must admit is odd." 

I stepped beside her as she walked, aware of her fluid quiet steps. "Odd?"

"After five hundred years, my brother hasn't really... Taken much interest in any species including our own and suddenly Christian's looking at you like you are his... Child." Child! Parents don't kiss their kids like he did me. "You - a human that was in the wrong place at the wrong time three years ago - are caught up in a feud between family's. Imagine you weren't in that line in that coffee shop? If you were one space in front. If you were put into someone else's history class instead of Michael's."

I opened my mouth ready to argue how she knew so much when she said, "I've been alive long enough to pick up a thing or two from witches. Unlike Florence, I'm smart enough to befriend the right people. I can read people, just like your friend Sam. Have you ever thought about it though, Evie?"

We paused at a turning and she truly looked interested in this whole situation. 

"I try not to think about the 'what ifs'. It's a waste of time and we've done too much to think about the what ifs."

Satisfied with my answer, we continued to walk. "Back to my brother," She caught my eye. "He told me about what happened in Alaska. He told me whilst you were there in fact. A human brave enough to try to seduce a nine hundred year old vampire? I'd never heard of such... Nonsense. I admire you, strangely enough. But what truly interests me is the way he seems to trust you."

So, he does trust me.

"I want you to understand before you think otherwise that Christian doesn't like other people often. And the fact you and him seem to have grown so close within a month... Well, I'm trying to thank you but I'm terrible with things like this."

I was shocked to say the least. Christian's, I'll assume younger sister technically speaking -Christian was thirty, she looked maybe in her mid twenties - seemed impressed by the fact Christian had taken a liking to me. 

"You're thanking me because Christian likes me?"

"I'm thanking you for making my brother smile again. He doesn't seem sexually attracted to you," She said bluntly and I blushed. "Well, not anymore. I know he bit you-"

"Mhm." I jerked my head in a nod and waved it away. "The past."

Jackie smiled. "I love my brother. And if you decide to turn then you've found a friend for life. As well as me." She stopped and offered me her hand again but not in a polite fashion; it was a sign of respect. An offering I would be stupid to turn down. Jackie did seem lovely. And Micah was rarely ever wrong. 

I placed my hand within hers and smiled. "Thank you."

"Thank you. My brother is my life."

I didn't find it odd the way she doted on Christian as he did turn her. I suppose depending on the relationship with their maker it was different for everyone. But I wouldn't be surprised if Christian released her and their other brother. "And your other brother?" I pried. 

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