The Same Coin: different sides of a single sign

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aries: defender/destroyer- you either defend the weak and helpless or destroy everything in your path to get your way
taurus: tired/tireless- you are either incorrigibly lazy or ridiculously, irrationally, impressively persistent
gemini: talker/listener- you either never shut up or always let others lead the conversation
cancer: giver/taker- you either demand people's time, energy, and attention until they resent you, or give everything you have while secretly resenting them
leo: elevates self/others- you either make yourself, and only yourself look and feel special, sometimes at the expense of others, or try to bring everyone "up" with you
virgo: nervous wreck/practical genius- you either let fear cloud your thinking, or are so detached and clear-headed that you come up with brilliant ideas
libra: isolation/partnership- you're either obsessed with finding the perfect partner or determined to never rely on another person for anything
scorpio: honest to a fault/pathological liar- you may abandon tact and flout social norms with brutal honesty, or lie excessively to protect yourself
sagittarius: optimist/cynic- you either wear rose-tinted glasses or think the world is a festering dung heap
capricorn: criticizes/improves- you either bring other people down with harsh words and disapproval or genuinely try to help them by building on their work
aquarius: lone wolf/mindless sheep- you either forge your own path or lose yourself in the crowd and do things just because "it's the norm"
pisces: heartless/bleeding heart- you're either the world's biggest sucker or completely apathetic to others' pain

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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