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Maddie's p.o.v

Me and Tori got to school and seen everyone.
"Hey there they are!" i told Tori.
"Yeah let's goo." she said.
We walked over to them, but on the way something caught my eye. A group of boys, they had a bunch of tattoos. i've never seen them before but they are hott! The blonde saw me looking at them and i turned away as fast as i can.
"Hey Sami?" I asked for her.
"Yeah?" She asked.
"Those boys over there" i pointed to them but so they couldn't see me pointing."who are they?" I asked her
"Those are the punks of the school. Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn, Michael, Ashton, Luke, and Calum." She told me.
"Why have i never seen them before?" I asked.
"Because they're bad and either are suspended or dont even come to school, im surprised they are even here right now."
" Oh i guess that explains it." i said
" Explains whats??" Molly asked.
" Oh nothing Maddie was just asking about those punks." Sami told her.
"Oh no no no Maddie stay away from them, they are bad news!" Said Molly.
"I will." i told them. Then the bell rang and we went inside to our lockers.
"So Maddie! Are you ready for cheer practice tonight?!" Bri asked me since our lockers are right beside each-other.
"Yes i am! gotta be ready for the big pep rally right?!" i nearly yelled happily.
"Defiantly! well i gotta get to class see ya in 3rd period!" she yelled walking down the hall.
"See ya!" i yelled back.
I turned back to my locker the i ran into someone. I about said sorry then i saw who it was. Matt, my ex dick boyfriend.
"Matt" i said with the sass everyone says i have alot of.
"Hey babe." He said smirking
"Dont call me that, you lost that along time ago!" i yelled at him.
"I know you still want me." He said pushing me against the lockers.
"Get the hell off of me now!" i screamed, he wouldnt listen.
" I believe she said get off of her" someone yelled. I didnt recognize the voice. But once i looked over i seen it was the blonde from earlier.
" Is this any of your concern huh punk?! No its not!" matt growled.
"Well it just became my concern, now leave!!" The blonde growled/ yelled at matt.
"Maddie we are not done here." Matt growled in my ear. Then he walked away. i fell onto my butt.
"Are you okay love?" asked the blonde helping me up.
"Yeah im fine, thank you." .I told him.
"Your welcome, im Niall by the way." he told me.
"I'm Maddie, thank you but i gotta get to class now. Nice to meet you Niall, bye!" I said
"See you around?" He asked.
"Yes defiantly see ya!" I yelled walking down the hallway.
"Bye!" he yelled back.
Good just what i needed to get involved my friends i said not to.
I walked in to my 1st period...

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