Chapter 2

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It was finally fifth period which means lunch time is after Yay I'm starving, that's the last time I'm only have dry toast for breakfast. I wonder if the gang would like to go out for lunch today probably not since Noel is so lazy you would think he'll want to go out for lunch spending hours with annoying teenagers I know I'm one myself but I'm far from annoying ok maybe that's not entirely true I can't be serious when I'm around my cousins either I poke em or I mess with their hair I know it's weird and might sound annoying but I can't help it look at me babbling again (BELL RINGS) finally it's lunch time.

We met up at the cafeteria entrance and as usual Noel didn't want to go get lunch else where but to bad for him cause the 3 of us wanted to and that's what 's going to happen. The three of us decided to get sub way which is totally not my favorite but I got out voted which isn't fair since I'm the one that drove us but I'll let slide seeing as I don't want to argue with them, we got our sandwiches and headed back to school eating it on the way and yes I ate mines thanks to all the red lights we had to pass to get back.

We made it just in time before sixth period started splitting up with my cousins again, wondering why we didn't choose the same classes I hated being alone in class as I entered math I noticed the pack soon to be beta is here I guess that meant Kam our next in line Alpha is back as well ''Oh Joy'' note the sarcasm, lets see who he sleeps with first my guess is Megan and yup she's a slut, as I take my seat in walks Megan Hunter queen bee of the school I put my head on the desk trying not to be noticed I'm not feeling to be laughed at right now my day has been going ok I wanna leave it that way, after being harassed by Megan the beta who's name is Malcolm came and sat next to me, you had no idea how shocked I was one of the most popular boys was sitting next to me ME the chubby, fat nerd well the part he hasn't been in school for 2 years since he and Kam has been training to take the role of alpha and beta.

Finally the teacher walked in so class can finally commence, as the teacher started talking I began taking notes you never know if there'll be a pop quiz about this so better be safe than sorry suddenly Malcolm says '' hey umm Addella right can I borrow a pen I lost mine during the day '' uh sure I handed him a black pen ''thanks'' your welcome. I wish that was the end of our interaction but knowing my luck it wasn't out of nowhere started talking to me what reason I don't know why, ''So you don't really talk much do you'' I just shook my head he didn't say anything after that for about 2 minutes ''I'm Malcolm by the way'' I know who you are just about everyone knows who you are, '' is that a bad thing?'' no it's not but you're the soon to be beta ''Oh I see'' yup. You're a very interesting girl he said I wonder if that's a compliment well that's the way I'm taking it so I just said thanks '' You're welcome'', the bell finally rung signally class was over after, gathering my things Malcolm asked if I wanted my pen back 'no you keep it Thanks, as I got up and started walking off I felt eyes on me turning around I saw Malcolm looking at ass when he noticed I was watching he just smiled and walked right pass me wow can you say perv.

Seventh period came around and the teacher wasn't here and there wasn't any substitute which means free period, hmm what should I do go home or wait for my cousins seeing as I'm their ride I decided to wait. I was waiting outside sitting on a bench sensing someone is behind me I turn a round and guess who I see ''Malcolm?'' Hi Addella, umm hi,  he sat down next to me '' don't you have class I asked,'' I could ask you the same thing well I don't ''do you?''  yes I do but I didn't feel like doing trigonometry for 45 minutes, ''ok'' no offense but why are you sitting next to me I'm not trying to be rude here but why would you want to sit next to me when there are empty benches ? Well for one I can sit where ever I want to and secondly you're cute and I like sitting next to cute girls,that little comment had my cheeks turning crimson turning my head so he wouldn't see how that little comment had me blushing.

Walking away after blushing fearing he said something else that might make my cheeks heat up I decided to wait for my cousins by my car, why is the day dragging on I want to go home ugh I know I should of left them and go home, ok that might sound mean but their house it just 15 minutes away by foot that's why I call them lazy. Finally the bell ring I see Nesther and Noel walking heading towards me, where's Noella I asked them " she's with Adrian'' why didn't I guessed that, Adrian is her mate I don't know why she doesn't ride with him it's so tedious waiting for them to finish their make out session. Fifthteen minutes ticks by and Noella finally emerges from school smiling like she won the lottery 'Did you have fun?'' I sure did finally we could head home.

During the ride home Noella  shouts '' WHO"S GOING TO THE PARTY?" What party the 3 of us asked, ''the welcome back party for Kam & Malcolm duh'' Nesther is definitely going he's a party boy as for me not so much, is there a invite list? ''No everyone from school is invited oh that's nice off them that means even the omegas are invited hmmm that's a first. When's the party? '' Tonight'' or right I totally forgot today's Friday, I'm guessing that I have to go with you because your parents won't let you go alone right,"YUP'' . Guess I'm going to a party.





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