" Yea" I said getting out smiling at him, " O and I'm gonna invite Trevor to come out with us tonight" 

" Okay then I'll you both tonight"

When I walked into Trevor's it looked just how I remember it.

" Trevor !" I yelled because he wasn't in the living room 

" Up here bitch !" I heard him answer from up stairs, when I got upstairs I ran into his arms

" Ugh I missed youuuu" 

" I know I'm never leaving you again, it was hell"

" Oh yea how was your tripn ?"

" Oh who gives a shit, what is up with you and Nash spill all the tea" He said sitting down on the bed, so I told him everything from Kian to Taylor to me going over there five minutes ago.

" Wait you and Kian" he asked me shocked 

" Okay we were drunk"

" Mmmhhhmmm" he said not really buying it, I also told him about Harrison and Jc

" Damn ! I'm literally never going away again" 

" Good ! But now that we've spilled all the tea will you come out with us tonight ?" I asked him 

" To the club ?" 

" No um it's one of Jc's friends he's throwing a party at his house tonight" 

" Well count me in, what time ?" 

" Actually in a few hours, I should probably get back to Jc's and get ready" I said standing up

" Okay I'll be over there when I get ready" I just got an Uber to take me back to Jc's 

" I'm back !" I called as I stepped in his house 

" We're up here !" I heard Kian yell from upstairs and so I went upstairs to see Kian, Bobby, and Jc just sitting in Kian's room on their phones

" Trevor's gonna come over later to come with us to the party btw" I said when I walked in the room, " But I'm gonna go get ready" I said going to Jc's room. I put on a long sleeve black crop top, high-waisted jeans with rips, and I wore a fishnet that went up to my stomach and it was over the exposed skin on the rips of the jeans. Outfit in picture 

When Trevor got there we were all ready to go, we all couldn't ride in the same Uber so we had to split up two people in one and three in the other

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When Trevor got there we were all ready to go, we all couldn't ride in the same Uber so we had to split up two people in one and three in the other. When the both the Ubers pulled up we had to figured out who was going with who.

" Okay so Violet and I will be toge-" I cut him off

" Actually I wanna go with Bobby, you guys can ride in one" I said dragging Bobby in one of the Ubers before anyone could question me, this was the perfect time to talk to Bobby.

" So.." Bobby said, he was really shocked that I wanted to ride with him and it was obvious 

" Okay Bobby I just wanted to clear some things up" I stopped and waited for his response 

" Alright.." he said confused 

" Um.. I just wanted to be sure that I'm not leading you on.." I said slowly 

" Oh you're not Violet.. I know you don't like me any more than a friend" he said sweetly 

" But I really don't want you hung up on me, I want you to move on and pursue someone else" 

" I get it.. I will" he said and hung his down sadly 

" It's just I really cherish our friendship and I don't want you to miss out on a potential love interest because of me" 

" Okay.. I do get it" he stopped and looked up at me, " I'll try and get over you" he smiled 

" Good" I said smiling as we pulled up to the house, more like mansion. Bobby got out first and helped me out of the Uber. 

" Thanks Bobby" I said as I hugged him and then I kissed him on the cheek then walked over to Jc, Kian, and Trevor who also just got there, and Bobby was frozen in his place after that kiss. 

Okay so today is my last day writing because I have church camp Monday through Friday and I'm leaving on Sunday. Also I can't write Friday or Saturday because I have plans, so I can't update for a while :( But the next chapter is going to be CRAZY and some characters will be returning and there will be drama so stay tuned !


Boyfriend or Best friend? ~Jc Caylen~Where stories live. Discover now