“Are you going to just stand there and stare at me or will you come in?” Kayla laughed, smacking me across the forehead.

I laughed and smacked her back before stepping inside her living room. I tossed my purse on their vinyl couch and followed her to the kitchen. The floor was tiled in black and white while the counters and cupboards were painted in different pastel colors, a theme which reminded me a lot of Alice in Wonderland.

“I love your house.” I sighed enviously when she handed me a steaming mug of latte, with whipped cream on top.

“Aw thanks! I love it too!” Kayla clapped her hands excitedly and sat down next to me by the crooked counter. “Hey, what’s that?” Kayla frowned and pushed my auburn hair aside to reveal the side of my neck. My guts churned and I hoped that it was anything but Deacon’s handprint on my skin. “Someone got a bit frisky, ey? That’s a damn nice hicky.” She chuckled, referring to the bruise he had left.

I chuckled and shrugged before taking a sip from the hot beverage. “It’s nothing.” I protested, waving my hand as if it was nothing to fuss about.

“Aw is it really?” Kayla chuckled and took a few colorful cupcakes out of the oven and handed me one.

“I don’t want boogy man.” I pouted and handed it back to her. “I want the one with the vampires.” I wiggled my eyebrows and Kayla rolled her eyes before replacing it for me. I couldn’t keep the curiosity bottled up any longer as it began to slowly gnaw inside of me. “Since when does Brian have a girlfriend?” I blurted out and Kayla choked on her cupcake.

I tapped her back and she swallowed, looking at me cautiously. “How do you know?”

“Well it’s kind of a hard thing to miss when they were making out next to my house.” I over exaggerated. “Considering he’s my neighbor and all that.” I added casually, as if it was merely gossip to me.

“Jimmy swore me not to tell you.” Kayla pouted. “ He said you and Brian hit a rough patch and if we told you that he moved on you’d get upset.” She added sheepishly.

“Moved on? We never dated.” I blinked.

“Yeah but you know…There has always been tension between you guys, vibes, you know? And have you ever noticed the way he looks at you? He’s like your biggest fan.” Kayla chuckled.

I just couldn’t keep lying to my friend like this and I couldn’t pretend like I didn’t care anymore. Of course I cared! How could I not? I grunted and crossed my arms on the table, and lay my head on them.

“What? What did I say?” Kayla chirped apologetically and I felt her warm touch on my shoulder blade.

“I slept with him.” I mumbled, my voice slightly muffled. “At the hotel, I slept with him.” I confessed before she could ever ask me anything. It felt so damn good to tell her that, like a stone has been lifted off my chest. “And now he won’t even look at me.” I whimpered.

“Aw baby…” Kayla sighed sympathetically and soothingly stroked my back, sending pleasant gushes of warmth throughout my stressed out body. “Was he any good?” She chuckled next to my ear, making a grin tug on the corners of my lips.

If it were any other girlfriend of mine asking, I’d get mad. But Kayla, she was my secrets’ keeper, I could always trust her. “Yeah, it was amazing.” I turned my head to look at her, resting the side of my face against my crossed arms. “He was great.” I commented softly.

“Eeeey!” Kayla shrieked happily, her gorgeous face beaming. “Did he go down on you?” She bit the tip of her tongue playfully, her eyes shimmering with curiousness. “Oooh he did! Good boy!” He wiggled her eyebrows naughtily after I nodded. “Men who give oral sex are gods!” She grinned and stretched her arms out happily.

My Heart's Apocalypse (Synyster Gates)Where stories live. Discover now