Chapter 1

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"Hey chick! Ready for your first day of being a senior???" My all-so best friend, Allison, greets me when she walks through the front door. She's been waiting for this day ever since we got out of our junior year. I, on the other hand, had been dreading this day.

Every year there's always this new kid at our school that always becomes so cocky and it never fails, they always become one with the "popular" crowd. Now, me & Allison? No, we're totally off that scale. But one day, in Allison's dreams, we become the most popular girls in the school. I could honestly care less.

I answer her question with a smug look on my face. "Allison, you know the answer before you ever asked, so. Why'd you ask?"

"Well, grump grumpy. I had just thought you would change your mind." She smiles at me and eats my waffles on my plate. Every time she comes over, it never fails for her to eat my breakfast.

"Lilly, are you ready for school? You don't wanna be late!" My mom calls from up stairs. She's helping get my little brother ready for his first day of 1st grade. Oh how I wish I could go back to naps, and coloring in your work.

"Yeah mom! Leaving now! Love you!" I yell, hope she hears.

I know she did when a few seconds later she yells down. "Love you too! Have fun!!"

Once we arrive at school, me and Allison go to our homeroom which is Math, my favorite subject. We walk in the room chartering about her newly found boyfriend, Chase. He has blue eyes, black hair that hangs down in his face but his face still shows. He has freckles on his cheeks and he's taller than Allison, which is good because her past boyfriends have been shorter than her, not a very attractive thing, if you ask me.

Anyway, when I walk in the room, I am greeted with some of my old classmates. There's Rose, the "popular" girl, the one with blonde hair and blue eyes, she gets all the guys. There's Trevor, another one of those "popular" people in the crowds. I'm also greeted with; Robert, Shelton, Skylar, Nate, Katie, Brook, Brooklyn (yeah I know right, 2 Brooks, we call them by their last names), Devin, Edward, Jason, Joe. I look around the room.

I find someone else, resting their hand on their head. "Who is that?" I ask aloud. Allison soon looks at who I was staring at and shrugged her shoulders. Rose soon cames over and said. "Cute right? His name's Sam Woolf."

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