Chapter 1/First day of school

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Today is the first day of school I met a boy I didn't know what was his name but I am sure I'm going to find out. At recess he kept staring at me so I went to go talk to him, (boy) Hi what's you're name. (Me) my name is Diana what's yours. (Boy) my name is Ozomatli but some people call me Ozo. (Me) do you want to be my friend. (Boy) sure. IT was now to go home we went together walking to our house. I left first cause my house very close. I just saw him walking, walking, and walking. His house was very close. When I came I kept thinking about him even at dinner my mom was telling me about the first day of school an I told her that I met a boy his name was ozomatli or ozo he is kind of cute.

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