chapter 3 / The next day of school

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Today Ozo was waiting for me and he brought me roses. (Diana) OMG what is this! (Ozo) I just wanted to say do you want to be my girlfriend. ( Diana) um..... yes I do ozo I do a lot. After school I went home and my dad was there again and my mom. (Dad) for who are the roses. (Diana) for me. (Mom) who gave them to you? (Diana) he told me if I wanted to be his girlfriend and I said yes I do. (Dad) hm...... did you ask us hm......... let me see no you didn't tell us for our permission. (Diana) fine, can I be Ozo's girlfriend. (Dad) thank you and yes. (Diana) yes thank you daddy you guys are the best! (Diana) hey ozo I just wanted to tell you that thank you again for the roses.(Ozo) you're welcome. Do you know why I got them for you (Diana) why ? (Ozo) I love you. (Diana) me to.

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