Chapter 2: Shadows Return-ish

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~ Sonic's Shack ~

"Well got nothing better to do, might as well go see what Tails is up to" Sonic said as he left his house to find his friend.

Sonic approached Tails's front door but before he could knock, he noticed a sign on his door...

Sonic, I know you are going to have nothing to do today, and you will eventually come to me asking to hang out. Which you will then annoy me as I try to finish some work.
So please, go away

"Guess I won't be with Tails today" Sonic said to himself. "Wonder what Knuckles is up to". And he ran to find Knuckles.

"Hey Knuckles!, want to...what are you doing? asked Sonic.

"Oh, hey Sonic, me and Sticks are trying to see who can stand on a rock the longest" said Knuckles as he stood on a big rock, while Sticks stood on another one.

"Oh um, how long has this been going on? said Sonic.

"About 3 hours" said Sticks, not looking tired in the slightest. "I'm pretty sure Knuckles is starting to shake a bit"

"You wish, I'm just trying to tempt you into shaking, said Knuckles as he shook a bit, but still wasn't tired.

"Guess I will see what Amy is up to" Sonic said as he went towards Amy's house.

Sonic approached Amy's door, and Amy opens it.

"Hey Ames, want to do something, or are you too busy? said Sonic.

"Hey Sonic, and I'm not busy I was actually hoping you would ask" said Amy, quickly realizing what she just said. "I mean not you specifically just someone in general!"

"Um okay, well want to go to Meh Burger?" asked Sonic, wishing this wouldn't be awkward.

"Um, yeah Meh Burger is fine" said Amy.

And they went.

~ Eggman's Lair ~

"OK, here is the plan" said Eggman as he shared his plan with his two loyal robots. "I will nicely ask Shadow if he will work for me, again and see his response. If he says no, you two will hit him in the head with these metal bats, thus knocking him out. You will carry him to my lair and put him in that cage over there. Then I will handle it from there, any questions?".

Orbot and Cubot shook their heads

"Great, now get going!" Eggman yelled and they flew to Shadow's location.

~ Where Shadow Is ~

"Hey Shadow! How's it going? Eggman asked, approaching Shadow.

"Oh, you again" said Shadow, already annoyed.

"Now, I know you probably aren't excited to see me but I want to ask if you would like to work with me to finally get rid of that blasted blue hedgehog" said Eggman, while Orbot and Cubot were close behind Shadow.

"As much as I want to finally deal with Sonic, I would rather do it alone than with some fool that will just get in my way" said Shadow.

"Oh alright, have it your way" said Eggman as he gave the signal to Orbot and Cubot.


"Great!, Orbot, Cubot, take him to my lair" said Eggman.

~ Eggman's Lair ~

"Alright, and the finishing touch... there!" said Eggman as he finished his newest creation. "This helmet will make Shadow do everything I say, and work for me!". "And I will finally be able to destroy Sonic!".

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