Chapter 1

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I groan as my Rebecca Black alarm wakes me up at half past 6. Still don't know why my boss Courtney makes me arrive at work by 7.

No one goes to target at 7 am.

I would quit this job, but I am saving up to fly to Vidcon. I've wanted to go ever since I was 15, and now I'm 18 and living alone.

Unfortunately, California is a longs way away from Chicago. And I do think I'll save up enough in time, it's a month away.

But I still like money, so I get up and change into my clothes since I took a shower last night.

I put on the required pair of black leggings and a Captain Sparklez t-shirt.

That was the only thing be and Courtney had in common, are love for Jordan Maron.

Packing my phone into my bag, I put my backpack on and go over to the mirror.

I'm not too fond of my straight brunette hair or my blue eyes, but the one thing I hate is my glasses.

They are black and wide rimmed, but I hate them so much.

Sighing, I grab my keys and lock the door on my way out.

The target where I work isn't too far driving, about 10 mins away. I park my car and sign in.

Putting my backpack in my little cubby hole, I put my lanyard on along with my name tag.

Turning around, I see my co-worker Stephen by the list. You see, Courtney has a list that states everyone's schedule for the day.

"Hey Riley." Stephen greets me as I smile and look at the list.

I see my name and follow it.

Crap I have assistant duty. That's when we walk around a certain area and help out costumers.

Sure it's easy, but it doesn't pay a lot at all, and I need all the money I can get.

On the bright side, my area is the electronics and gaming section.

I smile as Stephen frowns.

"Stupid furniture section." He grumbles as I laugh and walk to the escalator.

~le time skip~

I had just finished my break, and was walking back over to the gaming section.

I had already worked past my 2 hour shift, but Courtney said I could stay another hour to get payed more.

Wandering around, a certain 10ish year old girl caught my eye. She was wearing a Vidcon shirt.

I stroll over to her with a smile.

"Hi there, what's your name?" I greet as she looks up from a game she was looking at.

"Mya." She chirps.

"Well Mya, I couldn't help but notice the Vidcon shirt your wearing, do you watch YouTube?"

Kids are really the only people I'm ok with talking to.

"Yeah, I really love gamers." Mya responds with a smile.

"Like who?" I ask.

"Pewdiepie, Seananners, SkyDoesMinecraft, and CaptainSparklez."

I smirk as I point to the shirt I'm wearing. Mya gasps and her eyes go big.

"Jordan's the best." I smile.

"Are you going to Vidcon this year? Cause I am." She asks with a huge grin on her face.

I give her a sad smile as I shake me head.

"I've been trying to save up enough money to fly there, but I still need about 700 more dollars."

Mya's face softens, then her eyes go wide. She looks at my name tag.

"Well, Riley, it was nice talking but I gotta go see my mom." Then she rushes away.

Well that was weird.

Anyway, I continue to help out costumers until closing time, then make my way back down to the employes room.

As I enter, everyone in the room stares at me.

What did I do?

I awkwardly walk over to my stuff.

"RILEY!" I hear Courtney shout from her office.

This can't be good at all, she never yells at me.

I nervously walk into we office to see a wide grin on her face.

"I don't know what you did, I don't know what you said, but congrats!" Courtney beams as she hands me an envelope.

I give her a confused lol as I open it up.

My heart nearly stops.

In the envelope I find 700 dollars in cash. Along with a note

"Dear Riley,

I was saving up for a new laptop computer, but I saw how much you wanted to go to Vidcon so I convinced my mom to give you the money. I hope you can meet Jordan, and I hope to see you there too.


Oh my god

I'm going to Vidcon.

I, Riley Somers, am going to Vidcon.

Let me just say how much I love rich little kids.




Btw my name is maggie, and I found myself reading Jordan fanfics and decided to create one, don't judge.




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