Logandra (UN-KNOWN LOVE)

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This story is a bout Alexandra Daddario and Logan Lerman when they were nine years old. The two had known each other since birth. They both wanted to be actors since they were three years old and signed up for the film, Peter Pan. Logan wanted to be the main role of Peter Pan and alexandra wanted to be the main role of Wendy Darling. Who will get the part? And will there be hidden feelings?



Logan's parents P.O.V

"LARRY! TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!.....MY WATER JUST BROKE!" Lisa screamed at her husband through the corridor. "OK, OK I'M COMING. I'M JUST GETTING THE BAG'S!" Larry shouted back to his screaming wife. Thirty seconds later they were on their way to the hospital with Larry saying soothing words to Lisa. Five minutes later they arrived at the doors of the packed hospital. As soon as they reached the doors nurses and doctors were running wild to help Lisa and the UN-born baby. One of the nurses said to Larry "you may come and support you wife as soon as we have preped her up!" "Thank you" replied a frantic Larry. a while little later the nuses came back saying "you may come and see your wife now if you wish" Larry didn't answer, he jumped up and ran to his suffering wife.

Two hours later...................

"It's a boy 




Alexandra's parents P.O.V

"RICHARD" TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL! I'M HAVING THE BABY!" Maria screamed (A/N sorry i don't know Alexandra's mothers name) at Richard from the other side of the house " OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH YOUR HAVING THE BABY!" Richard shouted back breathless. Richard grabbed the bags and headed to his wife to help get in the car, "come on baby, you can do it just a few more minutes." Little did they know Mia and Larry are next to the room they will be in.

They reached the hospital and noticed there was only two nurses to help. The nurses took them to the midwife facility, and helped Maria calm down. Five minutes a proffesional midwife rushed in to help. Twnty minutes late we received the sex "it's a little girl!" Richard realised Maria had tears of joy in her eyes, so he kissed her forhead in joy aswell.

The next morning they were able to go home, knowing that the baby was healthy to be able to go home. Maria started talking to Richard "Richard.......what should we call her?" "i don't i only thought of a nam for a boy!......which was Alex!" "maybe we could call her....Alexandra?" replied Maria "that's a brilliant name" Richard said entusiastically.

On the way home they thought thay were seeing things, when they saw Larry and Mia on the way to the car park "LARRY! MIA!" shouted Richard, and they turned around a bit surprised.


Logan's parents P.O.V

"it's a boy" said the nurse, Larry was so happy he sat on the chair in the corner of the room and stareted crying "honey," Mia started in short breaths "why are you crying?" "i'm just so happy!" replied Larry "what should we call our lovely little boy?" Larry said standing back up and walking to Mia and their new-born son "i think we should call him.......Logan?" "BRILLIANT!" replied Larry, and then they fell asleep on the the bed with Logan in Mia's arms.

The next morning, Mia and Larry had been confirmed that they are able to go home with the young baby today. They were wo happy they wanted to get going right away. Twenty minutes later were walking through the door of the hospital when they heard "LARRY! MIA!" they turned around to be surprised that Maria and Richard were the one's calling their names, but even more surprised that Maria was holding a baby in her arms. They walked over to the couple and said their greetings, when Maria and Mia said at the same time "When di this happen?" every one started laughing when they stopped because their laughing was causing the babies to stir "so when was your baby born, and what is her name?" Mia said in a hushed whisper, Maria replied "she was  9:45pm last night and her name is Alexandra. What about your little baby?"  "he was born at 8:45pm last night, and his name is Logan. Which means they are exactly an hour apart!" replied Larry. " well at least they will be like brother and sister! eh?" Richard said "absolutey" i replied "well let's get the child home, Larry. We will se you guys later." and they waved good bye and left for home.


Hope you like it. The next xhapter will be better bacause Logan and Alexandra (Alex) will be in it.


Logandra (UN-KNOWN LOVE)Where stories live. Discover now