The Pigbat Caves and Auntie Don't

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  Inside, the cave broke off into several separate caverns

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  Inside, the cave broke off into several separate caverns. A few holes in the ceiling let in sunlight, and the beige cave walls boasted drippings from stalactites hanging from the ceiling, while some stalagmites poked out of the ground. The cave's air was stuffy and smelled like too many people were breathing at the same time and not brushing their teeth.

"Ugh, it smells horrible in here!" Ashe scoffed, holding her nose shut.

"Well that's not nice to say about someone's home, Ashe." a voice came from the darkness.

Gregor lit up and smiled. "Don't! Haven't seen you in a while!" he said, hugging th dark-skinned human pigbat. Don't smiled and returned the hug to Gregor.

"Well, Don't, you're officially an aunt now!" Markus proclaimed. On the way into the cavern, Gregor had given Fable to Markus, so that's why Gregor was able to give her a hug.

"What in all hell do  you mean Markus Velafi?!" Don't demanded. Markus went up to her and revealed Fable, who was holding onto Markus's arm and trying to hide from Don't.

"Hey, it's alright, Fae. This is Auntie Don't! She's kinda like Ashe but nicer." he explained.

"Hey!" Ashe protested. Don't just laughed and bowed, accepting the complement. Fable giggled and looked at Don't skeptically.

"It's alright, lovely. I'm Don't. What's your name?" Don't asked, bending down on her knees.

"Fae!" Fable said, pushing away Markus's arms and jumping down to see Don't closer. Her red horns and whipping tail caught Don't neon green eyes.

She looked to Markus. "Tiefling?" Markus nodded. "Pitborn."

The group gasped. "Wait...she's a direct descendant of a demon?! And you didn't care to tell us this before?!" Ashe scolded. Markus smiled sheepishly.

Fable was playing with a stalagmite, when Don't returned to her pigbat form. Turning, Fable looked around. Her eyes scanned the cavern for the short, black-haired girl. The Don't she knew was nowhere to be found. Her violet eyes began to fill with tears. Her lip quivered and Don't snorted in confusion.

Markus eyed Don't and mouthed: 'Turn back!'. Don't got the message and returned to her humanoid form and scooped Fable up in her arms.

The tears dissipated and Fable hugged Don't around the neck. Don't returned the hug and snaked her arm around the small body.

  Fable sat on Don't's  crisscrossed legs as Don't told her stories and tales of her adventures with her father. Fable  wasn't really paying attention but still seemed to enjoy Don't speaking to her. Don't used vivid handmotions that made Fable jump or giggle.

Markus laid against the cave wall to take a nap, and Gregor laid maybe a foot away from him. Gregor slept on his side, his back facing Markus and his hands used as a pillow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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