Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

I sigh, opening my eyes to glare at him. "Henry."


My lips turn up wryly. "Don't 'love' me. That's not fair."

"Never agreed to fair," he answers, holding out the cup to me. Begrudgingly, I begin to sit up.


The door opens, slowly, brightening the very dark bedroom. I open my eyes, coughing and the body beside me rustles.

Ivan is at the door. "Pardon me, your grace, but you have a guest."

I look at the clock, seeing it's midnight.

"This late?" I whisper. Ivan nods.


"Well, who is it?" Henry asks, after a moment of silence.

"The king," Ivan says. "Your brother, sir."

My eyes widen and I turn quickly, finding Henry looking particularly stunned. He clears his throat.

"Ivan, tell him I'll be out in a moment."

"Of course, sir."

The door shuts as Henry flicks on the light beside him on the nightstand.

"Why is he here? Do you know?" I whisper. He stands, walking to the dresser, grabbing his pajama pants from it.

"I called him, left a voicemail... I'm not sure if that was it. I don't understand why he's in France though. A call would have sufficed."

I sit up, pushing the covers back. As he buttons his pajama shirt, his brows curve together watching me.

"Oh, no. You're not getting up."

"Oh yes, I am. I'm going out there with you."

"You have a bloody fever, Mia!"

"We need to look united when he sees us, Henry. I'll stay for a bit and come back."

He sighs, grabbing my robe and walks over to me. "You are a stubborn woman."

I smile, taking it. "And you love me for it."

I put it on, tying the string. When I pull back, he leans forward, kissing my forehead, pushing my hair back from my face.

"Are you nervous?" I ask, after a moment. He pulls back, shaking his head.

"No, I just want to know why the hell he's here." He takes my hand. "Let's find out."


"Brother," Henry says, as we step into the sitting room. Richard turns, wearing a polo and slacks. He looks surprisingly fresh, considering it's the middle of the night.

"Henry, hello," Richard says, walking over to him. Even Henry looks surprised when Richard holds out his hand. They shake my hands uncomfortably before Richard looks at me.

"Mia... I hope you're well."

"She's actually under the weather right now, so not to be rude, but if you could inform us of the purpose of this visit... to France?" Henry asks, somewhat hostile. "Are you even allowed to take spontaneous trips?"

"It wasn't spontaneous. I am here for business... but I made the plan to detour here a few days ago, after I received your message."

"You could have called?"

"I know," Richard hums, nodding. Henry gestures for me to sit, resting his hand on my back gently.

"Well, while you're here, can I get you a brandy?"

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