Chapter 2

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Cortex could not believe what had saved him. And what had saved him was a Salamence. His eyes flew open in shock. His heart pounded in his chest as he slowly started to remember raising a Pokémon egg when he was 9 years old. That egg hatched on his 10th birthday and it was a Bagon that he raised and trained with... Could it be that this Salamence was...

"Are Salamence," Cortex questioned as he stared as the Dragon/Flying type.

Salamence nodded, growling a bit as it licked Cortex's face. Cortex chuckled as he saw a stone around Salamence's neck, which was attached to a golden chain. Before Cortex could figure out what that was, Uka-Uka was back on the offensive.

"You might have reset my brother and I but the curse of the island still haunts you," Uka-Uka hissed.

Cortex looked confused as he asked, "What are you talking about?"

Uka-Uka perked up at this as he looked at the Dragon/Flying type. Salamence growled at the evil magical mask, as if it knew more than Cortex did. Uka-Uka couldn't help but wonder if...

The evil magical mask answered, "I see the reset effected you as well."

Cortex blurted out, "What reset?!"

A few of Cortex's students had come back and were watching the events unfold. They all saw the Salamence next to Cortex with the Salamencite around its neck.

A male student whispered, "Our teacher has a Salamence like Phoenix did?"

Uka-Uka heard this as he turned to the students. Cortex was about to have Salamence attack but the evil magical mask didn't do anything right away. Instead, he chuckled darkly.

"You college kids think you know everything," Uka-Uka stated. "Well you don't. You can't even see that your own teacher WAS Phoenix!"

"That is a lie," Cortex hissed.

Salamence growled as Cortex was puzzled. Why was it not defending itself against these lies? That's when he remembered something...



He stepped into a room with stained glass windows, giving the room almost a church like setting. The light coming in from the stained glass windows made the room glow almost as there was a circle of light in the middle of the room. That's when a rather strange team entered in from the other side, seeing him. He couldn't put his finger on it but the team's leader...was familiar to him. He couldn't hear what he called the leader but he did hear..

"I am so glad you came."

"I bet you are, you monster," the leader snarled.

"Such harsh words," he replied, entering the circle of light, "Let's see you step it up."

"Oh, I'll step it up alright," the leader responded, also entering the circle of light.

He stood at the ready, striking a fighting pose as did the leader. The air was thick with intensity. This man was clearly Phoenix but as Cortex puzzled why he was Phoenix, he felt that he tightened his fist as the leader did the same. The two started to fight as Phoenix went straight for this orange creature, his punch striking. As Phoenix was about to claim victory, the leader punched Phoenix - knocking off the mask.

The leader looked stunned at Cortex as he blurted out, "What the hell?! Cortex?! You're alive?!"

That's when Cortex shouted, "I. AM. NOT. CORTEX. I. AM. PHOENIX!"

-End of Flashback-


Cortex couldn't believe it. He was Phoenix... He grabbed his head in shock, the gem in his watch starting to glow. Uka-Uka chuckled at this.

"Looks like the truth is hard for you to swallow," the evil magical mask commented.

"Dr. Cortex," Teresa whispered.

Cortex still looked shocked as a Psycho Cut came out of nowhere and hit the evil magical mask. Uka-Uka was pushed back, surprising him.

Uka-Uka boomed, "Who dares attack me?!"

That's when he saw a Mega Gardevoir with a silver necklace around its neck.

"We dare!" A female voice shouted.

Cortex knew that voice as he saw his sister, Nacey Cortex, walking in.

"How dare you," Uka-Uka shouted.

"I won't let you hurt my brother or his students," she stated strongly before turning to her Psychic/Fairy type. "Mega Gardevoir, Moonblast!"

Gardevoir obeyed as it fired the Fairy type move. Uka-Uka quickly dodged it as Cortex saw his watch glowing. Cortex felt puzzled as Salamence grunted, looking at its Salamencite. It didn't take long for Cortex to realize that his watch held his Keystone.

Cortex whispered, "Alright, let's give it a try." He pushed in the watch's face and shouted, "Salamence come into the power of our bond! Mega Evolve!"

As Cortex and Salamence were surrounded by a rainbow light, he teacher couldn't help but wonder why the light was bothering him. And why he could Mega Evolve when he didn't even know that he had Pokémon in the first place. It didn't make any sense. But as the rainbow light went away, Mega Salamence stood strong and roared powerfully.

"Two Mega Pokémon," Uka-Uka hissed.

Cortex ignored that as he focused to remember his Salamence's moves. That's when he remembered one.

"Steel Wing," Cortex ordered.

Salamence growled as its wings started to glow white. It went towards Uka-Uka with great speed. The evil magical mask quickly dodged it as he flew out. Gardevoir returned back to normal as did Salamence.

"I was wondering when he would show his ugly face," Nacey stated.

Cortex perked up at this and questioned, "You know who he was right away and didn't tell me?!"

Nacey waved her hands in defense as she answered, "Believe me, I had no idea who he was either until Gardevoir told me."

Cortex was puzzled by this as his students all stared at him in shock. Cortex wished that he had the answers for them...and for himself too... 'What am I gonna do,' he thought as he felt a presence with him that wasn't his sister...

"Class dismissed," he said solemnly as the classroom was in complete and utter ruins.


Wishmaker1028: What an explosive second chapter! Things are getting really interesting to be sure! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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