"Look at her ears, too. They're kinda pointed." Markus's eyes squinted and fiddled with Fable's ears and he agreed.

"They're really cute. Now wash my baby, woman!" Markus said, and Firi laughed then shook her head.

"Yeah, yeah, Markus, okay." she replied. Markus nodded and went back into the lobby of the tavern with a swish of his cape.

Firi continued to bring the wet, sudsy cloth over Fable's tiny body and sang a small tune to Fable as she grabbed at cups and forks and spoons.

Fable's horns were still small, but they were long and tall, and curved into a half-loop at the top. When Firi brought the cloth over them Fable began to laugh and giggle.

"Aww, sweetie does that tickle?" Firi asked, rinsing the suds off her horns and head, revealing wet blond hair. "You look kinda like Markus, Fae."

A few minutes later Firi brought out a dry, clean, and happy Fable wrapped in a quilted blanket. Fable looked around and instantly squealed and reached out her arms toward Markus. When Firi didn't give her to him, however, Fable began to cry and wrap her tail around Firi's neck.

"JESUS!" Firi yelled, wrenching Fable's tail off her neck and giving her to Markus. Fable instantly giggled and wrapped her arms around Markus, or, attempted  to.

"Hey, darlin'. Now, you be nice to Aunt Firi, okay?"Markus told Fable, his finger on her nose.

"Oh, and Markus, I concluded that Fable is about a year old at least." Firi said, rubbing her reddened neck. Markus nodded and gave Fable a kiss on the forehead.

"And now, we ride!" He declared, a hand raised in triumph. Gregor cheered, and Ashe sighed. Firi just laughed and shrugged, then followed Markus outside the Ivory Rose tavern.

The bartender bid them goodbye and Ashe left the pay on the counter.

Outside, the sun was shining brightly but the roads were still wet from the night before. People walked about and shopkeepers yelled out prices and the state of their goods.

Ashe turned to see a column of smoke erupting from behind the tavern. She muttered that they needed to go. Now. Markus and Gregor quickly agreed and they scurried out of the town and down the street.

They'd reached a wooded road and decided to follow it straightway.

The sounds of birds chirping and the crashing of waves filled their ears as they talked. A small breeze blew in and the tree branches swayed.

Markus had decided that yesterday, April 7th, was Fable's birthday and the rest agreed.

Fable was sitting on Markus's shoulder and playing with his long blond hair.

"Dada?" Fable asked. Markus blushed and Firi and Ashe awed.

"Yeah, Fae?" Markus replied.

"Hungry!" She claimed, then looked to Gregor, who was walking beside Markus and her.

"Mama!" Fable said happily, groping at the brunette. Gregor paused and tried to get out words, but nothing came out. His face was turned to a beet red and Firi and Ashe stifled a laugh.

Markus's eyes widened and he smiled, trying to hold in a chuckle.

"Guess you're a mom now, Gregor!" Markus told him with a smirk, and Gregor shook his head to come back to consciousness.

"N-No! I'm not you mother!" Gregor protested. Fable cocked her head and began to quiver her lip. Tears formed in her violet eyes and she began to cry. Loudly.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" Gregor panicked. he reached for Fable, pulled her down and held her in his arms. She quickly calmed down and hugged Gregor's neck and sniffled.

"Don't fucking curse in front of the baby!" Ashe said, then caught her own mistake. Firi giggled, then pecked Ashe a kiss on the cheek.

Markus smiled lightly, and walked over to Fable. He brushed away a lock of Fable's blond hair and kissed her on top of her head.


Gregor and Markus's head cocked to the right. Thog was leaning against a tree scowling at them. Markus turned on his heels to face him.

"Oh, Thog. Didn't see a there. Where were you?" Markus asked calmly, with Gregor beside him, equally confused.

"You assholes left me at the tavern, so I walked down the road and figured I'd wait for you. I just didn't expect to walk in on a baby." Thog said plainly.

"Well sorry about leaving you, Thog. But not sorry about having you see that," Markus turned and picked Fable up proudly. "because I love Fable and am not afraid to show no matter who is watching." He huffed proudly, walking ahead with Gregor beside him. Markus quickly gave Fable back to Gregor.

Firi and Ashe laced fingers and went ahead of Markus and Gregor and caught some speed. Gregor looked down to Fable, who was now sleeping in his arms. He smiled and rocked her gently. He looked back up to Markus and motioned to follow Firi and Ashe. Markus nodded and went ahead with Gregor tailing behind.

"There's a pigbat cave to the left of this crossroad. Wanna go there? Maybe Don't is visiting relatives or something." Ashe suggested, pointing to a sign. One read 'Pigbat Caves'  and pointed to the left, the other read 'Castaway Village' and pointed to the right.

Markus and Gregor both agreed to visit the pigbat caves instead of the village, which could get them in trouble or get them mistaken for adventurers again, and Ashe didn't quite like that much.

The group began to walk down the dirt road together, and the massive cave came into view.

1,552 words

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