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Yô -O-)/ so here I am with one more chap :3 this was easy to write but hard to correct (?) xD anyways, enjoy the fluff and the kawaii awkwardness *3* ❤

As usual, mistakes ahead forgive me for them m(uvu)m ~


Sorey had felt so anxious to receive Mikleo's reply, that when he finally read it, his heart sunk incredibly in great pain.

Rose looked at Sorey astonished with the newest message from Mikleo, forgetting for a moment who it was that the boy actually liked. The sadness on Sorey's face was too unbearable for her to keep seeing, thus she tried her best at cheering her friend up.

"C'mon Sorey..." She patted him on the shoulder once, her hand gently resting over it. "It's not like he told you that he's going out with someone! He simply told you that there's someone he already likes, right?"

Sorey nodded lifelessly. Rose's hand twitched over his shoulder. She never thought the day would come when she would see Sorey so miserable because of love. Although she sympathized with him, she found it amusing as well. Usually he was always so cheerful and lively, able to put his sadness away just so he wouldn't worry anyone, but when something happened between him and Mikleo he would be as easy to see through as crystal clear water, unable to hide anything from anyone.

"Mikleo, you're frightening!" She thought to herself.

"Sorey!" Rose spun his chair around until the boy finally faced her. Determined, she spoke, "You're not going to give up just because of this right? I thought you liked Mikleo so much that you lose control over yourself sometimes...? Am I wrong?"

"I like him a lot." He voiced his true feelings lowly, as if afraid Mikleo would hear from his house next door.

"Then you can't give up! You have to captivate Mikleo as The_Sheperd." Even though she hadn't liked Sorey's idea before, now she felt that maybe such an idea had a meaning, so she decided to motivate him.

"Hum." Even though he agreed, he just didn't feel very confident. He didn't know who Mikleo liked, so he had no idea how to try and captivate Mikleo more than that person could. Sorey had no idea what they looked like, so he didn't know if he ever would have the chance to get Mikleo's attention like they could. Were they cute, or were they good-looking? And were they older or younger? What was Mikleo's type in the first place? All these thoughts were driving him crazy. However, now that he stopped to think, Sorey realized that when it came to love he didn't know anything about Mikleo, and this shocked and pained him more than anything.

"I just didn't know."

Rose frowned confused, expecting Sorey to continue with his speech and enlighten her, yet that didn't seem to be the boy's intention as he remained silent. But obviously, Rose couldn't stand the frustration of not having heard something that might have ended up being important, for all she knows.

"You didn't know...?" She encouraged him to continue, and thankfully it ended up working.

"I didn't know that Mikleo had someone he liked."

Rose almost face-palmed. Almost. It's true that she knew that Mikleo liked Sorey and vice versa, yet she had forgotten how dense Sorey was to not see it as well. And Mikleo was just like that too; though on his case things seemed to be a tiny bit different. While Sorey couldn't notice Mikleo's feelings for him, Mikleo did notice Sorey's, yet he did not dare to believe they were true. With time and observation, Rose understood that Mikleo's problem was doubting of Sorey's feelings. He, most likely, thought that Sorey liking him was something impossible, thus he didn't dare to let his heart fool him. And that was the great conclusion Rose had reached; with a bit of help from Lailah of course. She seemed to be an expert when it came to Sorey's and Mikleo's relationship.

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