We exited the building once again and stood alongside the salt barrier, Bonnie leaving us to speak with Jamie in private and god knows where Damon went. Stefan joined us outside.

"You know this is your fault? You set us on this path when you released my mother." Nik spoke up to Stefan.

"I wonder if revenge will prove worth the cost." Nik added.

"Oh I'm done with revenge. As far as Ester, we've stopped her before. We can stop her again." Stefan cockily spoke, I shook my head slightly, looking at the salt line infront of me and not at the two boys bickering.

"You know all of this reminds me of our time together in the 20's?" Nik carried on, walking away from me and closer to Stefan.

"You say that as if I'm supposed to have happy memories about it." Stefan fake laughed at Nik.

"Well there were moments. Real friendship. Brotherhood." Nik was cut off by Damon speeding towards the 3 of us.

"He already has a brother. Not to be territorially or anything." Damon cooed. I scoffed at him smiling.

I slowly lifted my hand out infront of me, shakily bringing it closer to the barrier.

"Oh no of course. The Salvatores and their unshakable bond. I wonder what will happen when Elena finally makes her choice. Will we see you shake just a little bit?." Nik pressed on.

"What did I say about the dramatics Nik." I spoke up amused, I beamed as my hand went smoothly over the barrier.

Bonnie had broke it. I can save my friends.


Without saying anything I vamp sped over to the Mystic Falls Cemetery, instantly seeing Esters dead body lay on the ground.

"You reckon she'll stay dead this time?" I spoke up to Jeremy approaching me from behind, he finally took a stand next to me.

"Who knows." He answered truthfully. I nodded along with him.

"Is Lena and Ric okay?" I asked, still staring at Esters body, waiting for some kind of movement.

"There's something I've got to tell you. It's about Ric..." Jeremy trailed off, gaining my attention I turned to him as he explained what went down.

Tears sprung to my eyes as I sped over to Lena and Ric.

"Ric..." I trailed off, tears in all 3 of our eyes.

"Please tell me your going to go through with the transition." I pleaded, Elena looked to the ground and Ric didn't respond.

"Ric." I cried out, bring him into my arms, holding him close.

"I understand. I understand." I sobbed, I heard Elena let out a small cry. Ric pulled back, him also hearing her.

"You two should go." He sniffed.

"Damons here. He'll make sure everything goes the right way." He mumbled.

Me and Lena just stared at Ric-the guy that took us all under his wing. I loved him like a father since he was more of one to me than my actual father.

"This is all my fault, you moved out. You gave me your ring back. You didn't want any part of this and I forced you to stay and take care of us." Elena choked out, I bought my hand up to my lips to prevent a whine to come out of my mouth at her words, remembering the trip up the smoky mountains and the fact I had also encouraged him to stay.

"Don't do that. Okay? Taking care of you two and Jeremy has been the closest I have ever come to the life I always wanted." I watched as a tear fell down Rics face.

I pulled him into another hug in which Elena joined in with as we all stood there embracing each other and crying.

"You two should go. Especially you Luce. As much as I hate to admit it. Klaus needs you right now. You make him a better person. I've seen it." Ric mumbled to me as he pulled away from us both. I nodded, more tears running down my face.

"Goodbye Ric." I whispered before vamp speeding away from the cemetery and to the front door of the Mikalson mansion.

I took a deep breathe before entering the mansion, not bothering to wipe my tears because they kept falling never the less.

I heard a shuffle of noise in the back room where the coffins were held.

I walked over and stood by the open door, leaning against it as I watch Nik lean over and shut Esters open coffin shut, his cheeks wet.

"Nik." I cried out, my eyes swelling as I watched the heartbreaking scene.

He didn't look up at me as he was too embarrassed as he had been crying.

I quickly walked over to him and pulled his shoulder over to make him turn and look at me.

"Nik." I tried again, my voice catching in my throat. He still stared at the ground, his hands clenched by his sides.

"Nik look at me." I sobbed, he finally brought his eyes up from the ground and to my face. A tear slipping from his eye. My heart dropped to my stomach at this.

"You are going to pull through this. You are strong okay? Look at me. You are strong. You still have your siblings stood by your side. You have me. What's that phrase-." Nik cut me off, grabbing my face in his hands and pressing his chest up against my own as we stared into eachothers watery eyes.

"Always and forever." Nik choked out, staring at me intensely.

"Repeat it Luceinder." His cheeks getting wetter and wetter by the second.

"Always and forever." I sobbed, smiling slightly at the fact he would bring me into such a intimate and loyal promise.

My stomach froze up at the fact he was letting me into his family, he wanted me to be apart of his family.

Nik sobbed as he clung to me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders, squeezing me tightly and sniffling into my neck, I wrapped my arms around his waist as we embraced each other.

I truly did love this Hybrid.

I loved him with everything of my being.


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