"Sweaty Butt Crack" Perfume

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Ladies, Gentlemen,

Do you suffer from being too attractive? Are you constantly hit on by guys/gal's when you go out to the bars, school, store? Do you want to just be left alone and to enjoy yourself without horn dogs all over you?

Well the answer to your prayers is here with all new "Sweaty Butt Crack" Perfume! This wretched smelling perfume will ensure no man or woman, will come near you let alone want to hit on you!

Want to know how it works? Well I'll tell you!

So you're out at the club, at school, and you're looking to enjoy the day and work your butt off. A girl/guy approaches and drops a not so subtle, "How you doin?" "Wanna go out?" You being the person that you are, you don't want to insult, but then again, you don't want to go out with this person. Quickly avert the persons attention with a quick "Oh my god look at that!" and point over their shoulder. As they turn to look at what it is your making a ruckus over, promptly remove "Sweaty Butt Crack" Perfume from your pocket/Backpack/Purse and gently press down on the dispenser with two sprays on your upper chest. Place the perfume back in its proper place and as the person turns back around, let them waft in the sweat scent of sweaty butt crack as you reply "So you wanted to go out?". The sheer odorous stench will cause the person to cover their nose and back away with disgust. Leaving you to be free of getting hit on.

With the all new "Sweaty Butt Crack" Perfume you will be smelling like stinky ass all day! Keeping those pervs off you!

You can find the All new "Sweaty Butt Crack" Perfume in your local stores today for only 29.95$! If you buy a bottle of "Sweaty Butt Crack" Perfume by November 21st, you can get the all new "Stench Armpit" Spray with your purchase, for Free!!!! So don't sit around and let those pervs hit on you! Go out and get your all new "Sweaty Butt Crack" Perfume now!

"Warning" "Sweaty Butt Crack" Perfume may induce vomiting, prolonged stench, cause zits, warts, hemorrhoids to break out. "Sweaty Butt Crack" Perfume may also cause death (from heavy odours). "Sweaty Butt Crack" Perfume is a product of "Eww INC."

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