Chapter 1

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"But how? How can you put up with the jackass? He is so annoying!" my friends ask me for the millionth time.

"I already told you guys, we have been friends for a long time now, and I guess I'm use to his ways." I would always reply.

"But how can you get use to his attitude , and cockiness?" They would always ask.

"I really don't know, I guess it grows on you," I replied. "Can we talk about something else?"

"Ok, but you are such a sweet, smart girl, why do you talk to a dumbass like him?"

"You didn't change the subject," I would growl. It always upset me when my friends are so mean about him, but I gave up trying a long time ago because I just get taunts about liking him in return.

"Fine, fine, what do you want to talk about?" They would reply.

"You know what? I need to go. Bye."


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