He didn't even get the chance to take it all in; he had to immediately toss it out the window when he heard his parents start their morning argument from the kitchen.


He blinked back in time to answer his annoyed mother.

"Yes, mother." He answered quickly, half-relieved when they pulled up to Justice High.

Wally's mother stopped the car and unlocked it as Wally immediately let go of the seatbelt and rushed out.

As he turned to look back at his reflection through the car door, he caught her staring up and down at him.

"What?" He asked, annoyed by her face still full of disgust.

"It's just... Why do you dress like you're one of those... street rats?" His mother asked.

Wally looked down at his getup.

His black leather jacket.
A gray worn out 90s rock band logo tee.
His ripped black jeans.
His black sneakers.

And his dark navy blue backpack.

"I don't think I look like a hobo?" He informed, "Maybe, mother, I like this 'getup' that I'm wearing. It's not like it's the first time I've worn this type of outfit."

Wally always dressed like this.
Of course his mother doesn't notice that.

Basically Wally's closet involved colors of white, grey, black, brown, maroon/dark red, and dark blue.

Nothing else except dark hues.

His mother gave him a scolding look.
"Can I just go now?" He asked, exasperated by her presence.

"We'll talk about your manners issue when you get home today. Can't pick you up." His mother huffed before driving off to work.

"What? No 'bye sweetie'?!" Wally asked in a sarcastic tone, waving his hands up in the air to cause a scene.

Wally rolled his eyes and marched up the stairs, knowing that some students were already training their eyes on him.

And you know how he could tell?

These dumbass high schoolers can't seem to lower their damn voices, that's what.

"Oh wow..."

"That's him!"

"He hasn't changed a single bit...."

"Wow, he looks like he did something again!"

"They said he fought someone again outside, think it's true?"

"People have been saying he's gotten more tattoos on his chest!"

"I think he's hiding his new piercing!"

Wally rolled his eyes at the rumors.
The teenager didn't have any tattoos.
The teenager didn't have any piercings.
The teenager didn't know how to fight someone, or has he ever fought one of these idiots.

All he had was some "interesting" clothing choices that in the eyes of his mother made him look like a complete street rat... or as the term goes, "REBEL."

So no crap he hasn't changed, he's the same snarky Wally he's always been.

He trudged past the looking peers and directed himself to the office, asking for his new locker for the year and the schedule. The office assistant didn't even give him a second glance before handing him the slips of paper wordlessly before moving onto the next student behind him.

As he exited the office, he look a quick skim at his schedule, rolling his eyes.

"Dumb Honors AP classes.." he grumbled as he found his locker in just a few seconds, only to see a few sophomores (formerly freshmen) crowd around it to do a dumb reunion.

Wally took it as an opportunity to see if they were still freshmen, secretly sneaking behind them.
"Ahem." He coughed, immediately getting wide eyes staring at him, their mouths hanging wide open.

"I believe you're standing near my locker, ladies... Toodles." he said, and in a flash the now fearful girls had rushed to their first class, him chuckling in the background.

"Dumbasses." He commented before turning away to do his combination.

He didn't know why or how he was named the school bad boy when all he did was smoke and wear his dark clothes.

It was the same old, same old.
People judging him, him unintentionally scaring others.

He didn't even have a friend group, he just had a few... acquaintances.

...Special acquaintances, you could say.

For Wally West wasn't excited for this new year.
— ✘ —

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