"Do you mind telling me what exactly is going on here, Blair?" Neil asked earning a ragged sigh from Blair who scowled up at his friend.

"It involves my job, and you know I cannot tell you that..." Blair trailed off. He turned his attention back to Shane who's back was now trickling with blood. Niel watched it uneasily, his nose curling.

"Why is your job so important? Why does that matter? You just ruined a human's life all because of your job?" Niel huffed, "You need to kill him, he isn't going to survive this!"

"Stop it...." Bair warned, a low growl filling his chest. He turned away from Shane to face Niel who cowered back in fear. "You're right, he might not live. But I can't kill him now because we're bound. You know that much don't you?" Blair marched past his friend and took a little purple vial from his desk. "Killing him would hurt a damn lot if I did it."  

"Why did you do it in the first place then?" Niel urged, demanding an answer.

"Because I was hungry!" Blair finalized, slamming the bottle he held down causing the others to rock in their places. Niel's expression fell blank as he looked upon Blair. Outside the window on the dark streets rain began pouring down. Droplets beat against the glass pane like fists crying to be let into the warmth of the apartment. Niel began to laugh hysterically, bending over to clutch at his stomach.

"You're kidding me right? Because you were hungry? That's bullshit!" Niel, wiped his eyes where tears started to from. "The great Blair! The same man that always bitched about demons who ruined human's lives by not killing them, did just that!!" He laughed, gripping his pants tightly. "You're kidding!"

Blair's auric eyes widened at Niel's outburst, his hands shook slightly as he watched feeling a bit apprehensive. "You're and asshole!" Niel exclaimed suddenly, looking at Blair with such realization in his eyes. Blair fell silent for a moment, watching, before he flatly replied,

"I know.." and took his post back at Shane's bedside. He knew Niel was right, he was pissed off the day he met Aeneas and decided to take it out on Shane. He grimaced as the first joint in a wig tore through Shane's skin causing him to scream. Blair could ease his pain with his magic, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. A small part of him hoped the boy would die in the process of changing. And then again, another part of him hoped he would live.Behind him, Blair heard Niel open the apartment door to leave. "Just so you know, Im disappointed in you Blair." With that Niel slammed the door shut leaving Blair alone to clean up his mess.

The night was filled with screams that were silenced by shoving rags into Shane's mouth. The boy's wings finally broke free from their confides as the sun had just started to rise and left the bed beneath him soaked with blood. The sun filtered through the window in warm rays, Blair sat in the floor beneath the window, watching. He jumped when Shane moved, his wings just barely fluttering and casting a gust of wind across the floor knocking up feathers he lost throughout the night and its struggles. His bright blue eyes opened for a moment, blinking away haze that came from being asleep. Eventually he focused on Blair, and noticed the new weight on his back.

Shane shot up so quickly he fell onto his back on the mattress, pining his wings beneath him so he couldn't get up. They were tender, and he wasn't familiar with the way his feathers felt vibrations in the air around him. He let out a long hiss that turned into a wounded cry. Blair stood up and slipped his hands into his pockets. "Your eyes stayed blue, which is unusual. I don't know your heritage but I am assuming you have a gene that messed with the change a little." Blair hummed as he watched Shane watching him.

"I-I have wings?" Shane asked, Blair removed his hand from his pocket and petted one of the golden wings.

"It seems so." Shane blushed at the contact with a startled grunt. Blair smiled and leaned down to whisper in Shane's ear. "The plus side is that they're extremely sensitive."

"Don't do that!" Shane scolded and pushed Blair away. "I-I don't know who you are, or what you've done!" The blond rolled onto his side and off the bed onto his feet. He stumbled, unbalanced and fell to the floor on his side. He flapped his wings, obviously not used to them. Blair watched the boy struggle on the floor,

"Do you need help? I could teach you how to use them properly." Blair offered, yet Shane shook his head.

"No-no, I want to go home." Blair growled, marching over to Shane and lifted the boy up off the floor.

"Listen to me!" Blair roared, slamming Shane against the wall, barring his fangs. "I explained all of this to you last night but since you were induced buy my venom Ill say it again." Blair leaned in close enough for his breath to be felt on Shane's skin. "We're bound. I have a responsibility to you and that's to make sure you don't get yourself killed because you have no idea how to function as a demon in society! So, you're going to stay even if it means I tie you to that bed."

Shane was dropped back down to his feet, and the first thing he did when Blair's hand left his throat was gulp air into his lungs as quickly as he could. The boy rubbed at his neck gently and at the red spot that was starting to form. "Where are your wings?" He asked, trying to change the subject as soon as possible and subdue Blair's anger. The ebony haired demon stared down at the boy but answered nevertheless,

"I know how to use them therefore I can use magic to make them intangible." Blair explained, prompting Shane's curiosity.

"Like invisible?"

"Yes, just like that." Shane let a small smile grace his features, one that Blair couldn't help but notice.

"So...you'll show me,right?" Shane asked, a gentleness to his voice adding a sweet tone. Blair felt his heart thump, that was something he hadn't payed attention to in a while.Was he nervous? He couldn't tell, the only thing he did know was that he couldn't draw his eyes away from Shane's smile. The boy, who he just strangled, was grinning up at him with hopeful, innocent eyes. And Blair couldn't look away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2017 ⏰

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