Twenty-Three -- Missing [YOU]

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-- Niall's Point of View --

I whipped the covers off and jumped out of bed as quietly as I could. My eyes wandered over to the sleeping face of the man whom I was once about to marry, and though this was so familiar to me, at the same time, it was so foreign due to recent events. 

"Fuck." I muttered under my breath. God, why did I do this? Why was I so stupid? This was such a huge mistake... I grabbed by boxers off the floor, pulling them on and then stumbling out of the room as quietly as possible as I struggled to get into my jeans. I finally got them on, not bothering to zip them up or anything, scurrying down the stairs. I grabbed my shirt off of the floor near the couch in the living room, slipping it on and now quickly doing my jeans up. I grabbed my jacket and threw it over my shoulder, and then I hesitated with my hand on the knob to the front door. I couldn't just up and leave. I had to do something... Leave him a note, at the very least. 

So, I entered the kitchen, finding myself a piece of paper and a pen, and I scribbled out a quick note, wanting to get out of here before he woke up.

I'm sorry for last night. I made a mistake. Won't happen again

I think it'd be best if we didn't speak to each other anymore.

Sorry, but I just can't look at you the same way anymore, and I think we should just cut off all our ties to each other. I can't do this. Last night was a mistake. I'm ashamed of myself for letting it happen. 

I hope you know that you were my first true love. My first love, and...

And my first mistake.


With that, I stuck it to the fridge with a magnet and then slipped on my jacket and my shoes at the door, leaving and practically running back to Harry's house. I shoved my spare key into the lock and turned it, unlocking the door and letting myself in. I tried to close it quietly in case Harry was still asleep, but he was completely awake. 

"Niall! Thank God! Where the hell have you been?!"

"Nowhere." I responded quietly, and then he looked me up and down a few times and his shoulders sagged.

"Who were you with?" he asked me softly, and I frowned. How did he know?


"There's a hickey on your neck." he muttered, looking almost heartbroken, almost like I'd betrayed him. "Were you... With Liam?"

"...Yeah." I admitted guiltily, my gaze on my feet, unable to look him in the eyes right now. I felt ashamed of myself for doing what I did. Not only was it just a bad idea in general, but... Liam was gonna be upset when he woke up alone. I reminded myself not to care about what he thought. He was a controlling, obsessive, possessive, lying, cheating jerk. Then again... Maybe he wasn't lying to me. Maybe Harry was. But even if Liam wasn't lying, he was still controlling, obsessive, and possessive, and I couldn't be with somebody like that. It was one thing to be protective, but it was another to not trust me and follow me around like a creepy stalker to figure out who I'm with every second of every day. 

"Why were you with him?" 

"I... I don't know. I just ran into him on my walk and it was raining and I asked him if could just stay at our - his - house until the rain let up, and then I got caught up in all the memories and... I made a mistake." 

"Oh." he replied quietly, looking really quite hurt, and I sighed.

"Look, Harry, it's not like I'm going back to him or anything. I left him a note and told him that last night was a mistake and that me and him shouldn't talk to each other anymore. I'm cutting off all my ties to him."

Truly, Madly, Deeply ↨ Sequel to "Your Everything" ↨ Niam Horayne Collabजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें