Newest member of Avengers

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Fury's POV  on helicarrer
Sally and natasha I called you both here today Sally I brought you here to ask if you want to join the Avengers she looked back at agent Romanov who gave a reassuring nod
Sally|dark widow romanova POV
Sure sir I said shyly my sister hugged me to try keep me calm so I wouldn't run away because she new I was uneasy around men even Steve and fury even though they seemed like nice men
Natasha's POV
I hugged my lil sis to try keep her calm incase she ran away I new she was uneasy around men but I don't blame her especially when she was raped by red room men I took her back to Avengers tower she rubbed her arms nervously so I pulled her into a reassuring hug my lil sis is broken ok my fellow Avengers we have a new member of our team  Sally romanova welcome to the Avengers a little smile appeared on her face only us girls can see she still didn't trust men
Clint Barton's  POV
Welcome to the Avengers Sally she smiled that's the first time she smiled you could see her bright white teeth but when any other men turned to see a smile on Sally's face they just got an emotionless expression speedster came speeding in lifted her up nat said put her down then there was a blood curdling scream put me down put me down Sally said while screaming at the same time Sally jumped out of Pietro's arms and ran to a shadowy corner rocked back and forth with her arms around her knee's nat went ballistic and whacked pietro across the head

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