Better Than My Dreams

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Emily stood outside the blondes house promptly at four fifty-nine, cautiously moving her hand to knock and then deciding against it.

The tall brunette couldn't help but be terrified, and a little excited at the same time.

She looked down at her phone and saw the time change from four fifty-nine to five o'clock.

God, I'm turning into my mother, the brunette thought as she forced herself to ring the doorbell. She stood outside the wide wooden door for what felt like hours, swaying back and forth on her heels. She noticed the paint starting to chip off if the shudders, and a thin layer of dust surrounding the frame. The tall brunette new very well that Alison had never picked up on chores. Her sassy attitude made her mother shudder when refusing to pick up a broom.

Emily dazed off to think of a day at the beginning of junior year.

"Mom I'm not doing that!" Alison shouted as she pointed to the fireplace that needed cleaning. The tan brunette shuddered behind a corner, knowing that if she spoke to her mother like that, a hard smack would be placed across her face.

"Alison! You are sixteen and still have no idea how to use a vacuum! That strikes me as pathetic," Jessica Dilaurentis shouted, her voice piercing through Emily's eardrums.

"This house has made it this long, hasn't it?" The petite blonde bit back. She narrowed her eyes to her mothers, knowing she was talking to the woman who taught her to be the bitch she lived up to be.

"Ehem," Emily coughed as she turned the corner, trying to break the intense stare down, "Ali, I don't mind to help you. I clean my fireplace every month."

She looked at Alison, her eyes pleading. The tan brunette hated seeing the blonde upset. She couldn't bear the thought of fighting with her mom as often as they did. 'What a sad life,' she thought. Her mother wasn't just her mom, but also her confidant. Miss Military wasn't always thought to be the most supportive when it came to Emily's tensions when it came to Ali, but she deep down knew, when she was ready to come out, her mom would be there for her. She would be okay with Emily's feelings. Her mom wanted her to be happy. Something the tan brunette desperately wanted for her best friend.

Jessica smiled faintly at Emily's efforts, as she could see the expression in her daughters face relax at the sound of Emily's voice. Her mouth opened to speak but she was cut off by the blonde.

"I don't want to spend our time cleaning, when we could be doing other things!" Alison shot back, pain in her voice.

Emily rolled over the memory in her mind. She smiled at the thought of Alison wanting to spend time with her.

'Wait? Was she into me back then?' Emily thought, a smile spreading across her face.

"Why does it matter what we do, as long as we are together?" the tan brunette asked, a smile spreading.

She could feel Jessica's eyes turn curious, and relax into the sight of her daughter so happy.

Emily took Ali's hand and drug her to the cleaning closet to grab some things needed to clean the fireplace. The petite blonde followed, her head down, hiding a blush that coated her entire face.

The door swung open, breaking the brunettes daze.

'How long have I been day dreaming?' she thought. She had been dazing out a lot these past couple of days. She wasn't about to complain about dreaming of the blonde though.

Emily's eyes slowly lifted, as she came to see the beautiful blonde in front of her. She tried to control herself. All she wanted to do was grab her and kiss her. Take her in her arms and spin her around. Kiss her until her head spun and she could see stars. The tall brunette bit her lip as she tried to control herself.

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