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"Mmm it smells good!"

I was sitting by the counter and watching him cook.

"baego-- ani.. uhm... you.. hungry?"

He's really trying hard to speak english and i really find it cute.

He was waiting for my reply so i nodded. Well i don't have food in my apartment and I'm actually getting tired of eating some cup noodles and it's going to be my first time eating homemade food since i got here.

He started preparing the plates and i can't help but stare at him. He looks very handsome and his skin is so white! His hair looks so fluffy. I can see his muscles every time he moves his arms. I was busy gawking at him when i noticed that he's already done putting some food on my plate.

"Oh uhm thank you" he only smiled at me

I took a bite and i was shocked because it's really delicious!

"왜? You don't like?"

He asked and he looks a little worried

"No! I really love it! It's so delicious!" I took another bite and gave him a thumbs up

He smiled widely and i saw his perfect white teeth. What's with korean people and why do they always look flawless?

He started eating and it was getting really awkward because of the silence.

I really wanted to start a conversation but I'm afraid we won't understand each other.

"How long you lived here?"

I was startled by his sudden question. It took me a moment to respond

"I just got here last month. How about you?" I pointed at him

"Also last month but not staying long. Job is back at korea" he said

"Oh is that so.. what's your job anyway?" I asked

He raised an eyebrow and grinned.

"You not familiar with me?" He asked still wearing that grin on his face

"I'm sorry but no.. why did you ask?"

He chuckled

"I am an actor back in korea"

"Really?! Wow that's amazing. Well to be honest i never watched any korean dramas because i really don't have time." I said

"Ahh well you try watching when you have time. Arraso?"

I laughed and i nodded

We talked about random things and what's it like to live in korea. He mentioned the cold weather and how he always have trouble showing emotions while filming when it's really cold. I had a lot of fun talking to him even though he's still struggling with his english.

When we finished talking i helped him clear the table.

"Thank you for the meal. I really enjoyed it." I said as he walked me to his door.

"No problem. Next time again okay?" He asked showing me his cute smile

"Sure i'd love that." I smiled but before I walked away i turned around and asked him his name

"Jong suk. Lee jong-suk." He smiled and i nodded

While i was walking back to my room i made a mental note to spend my weekend watching some of Lee Jong Suk's drama.

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