1 Chain

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As all 5 of the kids stood in front of JD with their fate in his hands, they all became nervous and anxious. They each wanted to win! They all their reasons, they knew that but they also knew that their could only be 1 winner.

"Well, I know you kids saw the show, so I'm gonna get down to it. The first person to leave the studio is.... Justice!
Justice you're a great performer, but I just don't feel like you're ready! I wont sign you today, but you are talented."

Justice hugs everyone and says goodbye, then her and her manager leave.

"Alright, Justice is gone, this is serious now. The next person to leave the studio is... Day!
You're a dope artist, but I just don't fe that you are truly SoSo Def."

Day says his goodbyes and him and his manager leave.

"It's down to 3 of you. Amy. Nancy and Mark.

The next person to leave the studio is... Amy!! Amy, you're wonderful! But you have work! I'm not gonna sign you, but you are a dope performer."

Amy and Nia are too busy crying and comforting each other as they leave to say goodbye.

"Now it's down to you two. Nancy, Mark, yall both have star power and potential! But like I always say, one plaque, 1 chain and 1 contract. The last person to leave the studio is...... MARK!

Nancy and her manager hug and cheer in the back while Mark is upset and talks to JD.

"You're great! You're performance was really awesome! But I feel like when it comes to lyrics, you can do better."

Mark leaves the studio.

"Well Nancy, congratulations, this is your plaque and your chain!" JD says as he puts the chain on her.

"Nancy, you are the next SoSoDef Artist!"

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