Chapter 5

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Jane was bent over the front of a German issued truck, trying her damn hardest to figure out what was wrong with it. It didn't start up at all, and her guess was a blown engine.

A loud metallic clank made her pause and quickly straighten, hitting her head on the bonnet in the process. God she hated reflexes.

"These may help."

An unfamiliar voice. She turned ever so slightly, eyes rolling as she saw Hugo, a red toolbox on the floor beside him. She waved him off as a thanks and then turned back to her task in hand.

His gaze held on her form for a moment, entranced by her seeming expertise.

"What do you think you're playing at?"

That was the most she had ever heard Hugo say so far. Once more she turned, expression more or less the same as his.

"What do you mean-?"

"In the bar. Threatening her. I don't doubt you wouldn't do it, so what do you think you're doing?"

"I'm telling her to fuck off."

"You're causing problems."

Okay, now she got concerned. Aldo had told her that Hugo didn't speak much, so the fact he was having a full conversation with her meant bad times.

Jane waved him off and turned back to the truck.

"Don't say anything else tonight." And with that, she heard heavy footsteps walk away from her and back towards the bar.

"Come on. You can fix fighter planes but not a simple truck." A soft mutter to herself as she rooted around once again.

"Jane, right?"

Jane sighed at the voice behind her. Amber, she was sure of It. The woman turned to face the other, expression no longer one of concentration but one of annoyance and anger.

"I just came to say that if you ever threaten me again, I'll kill you. Or at least try. I'm worth more than that, and more than you."

Jane's icy stare lingered far too long for Amber to feel comfortable. The ex-Nazi removed the knife from her belt and offered the handle to Amber, who hesitantly accepted it.

Jane grabbed the blade as gently as she could and guided to the centre of her throat. The edge was already extremely uncomfortable.

"If you don't kill me, I'll smash you through the truck's windshield," Jane growled, "So I dare you to do it."

There was silence. Nothing. No movement, no protests. They were at stalemate- well Amber was, anyway.

"Amber? Where are-" Donny stopped himself upon seeing Amber and Jane.

The Bear Jew rushed over and grabbed Amber by the waist, beginning to drag her back. She thrashed in his arms.

"Let go of me! I'm not finished-!"

"Let it go!" He attempted to wrestle the knife from the woman.

Hugo was watching from the front of the bar, a chuckle escaping him at the sight. He was smiling and glad there was nobody else around. He knew what he said earlier, but Stiglitz sure does  enjoy a good row.

"Calm down-!"


"What the fuck is going on out here?!" Aldo suddenly yelled from the pub, footsteps growing ever closer. Everyone stopped. "Why are you waving a knife at my boy Jane?!"

"She threatened me!" Amber yelled, pointing the knife at Jane.

"I didn't," Jane stated obviously, "She took the knife from my belt and threatened me."

"You know that's not true!"

Aldo turned and whistled, "Hugo, come here!"

The man in the dark of the night put on a straight face and emerged, walking over to his commanding officer.

"Did you see what happened?" Aldo asked as he shifted his weight on the leg closest to Hugo.

Hugo simply nodded.

"What happened?"

Great. About to be ratted out.

"She threatened Jane first."

Amber stared at the brute of a man in shock.

"Excuse me? No, you have no-!"

"Wasn't her." Hugo insisted.


"I believe what Hugo says, if he says anything at all, and he swears up and down you started it."

Amber immediately knew that arguing was pointless with these psychopaths.

"Hugo here," Aldo continued after nobody spoke, "Is going to keep guard on Jane as she works. If you decide to lie about her again, he has permission to shut you up. Is that clear?"

"Fine." Amber muttered, this time walking with Donny back to the bar. "Unbelievable!"

"I want none of that 'I'm more badass than you', 'no I'm more badass' bullshit. I expect you to stand here. Talk or not, I don't really care. Would be nice if you could, but finding one of you dead isn't ideal." Aldo grinned at the two a moment longer before he spun on his heels and walked back to the bar.

Hans Lans, The Jew Hunter, had been called to hunt down a Nazi, or ex-Nazi, who had been taken 'hostage' by a group of Jews.

A rebellion, The German thought, Should be straight forward.

A sudden bump that made him fly up and almost hit his head on the car roof caused him to snap back into reality.

He vigorously looked around, blue (I'm pretty sure Hans has blue eyes) eyes alight with both curiosity and annoyance. He unbuckled himself and opened the car door, stepping out into humid air. He strode around the car and placed on his hat, pausing as he saw the reason why  there was a sudden bump.

Both of the front wheels were shredded. No way on earth they could be temporarily fixed.

He removed his hat and wiped some sweat from his brow.

This may harder than he thought.

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