Chapter 3

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Jane walked side by side with Donny, not talking, just walking. That was until he glanced at her.

"So, what did you do? There's a lot of rumours going around."

(Que fact file and Samuel L Jackson)

~~J A N E    H A M P B U R G~~

Forced into the war by her father, German born (though see feels more British) and killer.

She killed three gestapo officers, a lieutenant and a sergeant. She was put on trial, and she was charged with multiple counts of murder. Hitler had different plans- not to kill her, but keep her in the army under heavy surveillance. He claimed she was one of the best engineers in Germany.

He had all news articles pulled and destroyed, all radio broadcasts to stop or face death. He removed any trace of the trail. She didn't get off completely scott free, but she damn well close.

~~J A N E   H A M P B U R G~~

Donny listened intently, smiling widely at her. Once she was finished talking he placed a hand onto her shoulder with a loud 'pat'.

"Welcome to the Basterds."

"If you want to keep your hand, I'd suggest removing it from my shoulder."

Donny didn't speak or understand German, so he sighed. He hated that couldn't, and what made it worse was the fact that Hugo would speak to him in German, knowing full well it pissed him off, and they'd 'fight'. Nothing serious so far, but Aldo has had to break it up a few times.

"All I heard from that was 'schnitzel-schnitzel, fucking strudel.' Care to repeat that in English?"

"I said, if you want to keep your hand don't fucking touch me."

Donny slowly removed his hand from her shoulder.

"What is it with you ex-Nazis and hating everything and everyone? Oh, and also having a tough guy, mysterious persona?" Donny whispered to himself, though clearly not quietly enough for both Jane and Hugo, who was behind him, stared holes into the 'Bear Jew'.

He glanced between them and chuckled, walking ahead in order to talk to another soldier.

"Retards, I swear to God." Jane stated quietly.

Hugo and two other soldiers heard, hatred and annoyance building up. They didn't say anything. Not yet, anyway.

"How far is it?" Aldo called back, glancing behind him in the general direction of Jane. A few men looked back as well.

"Should be just beyond this hill to our left."

The brunette jogged forward and led the charge, crouching on top of said hill. Her eyes roamed the view infront of them:

A large grey building, industrial amongst the background, perched right infront of them. There were multiple other buildings- a town, maybe?

Aldo held his hands out and someone placed binoculars into his palm. He instantly retracted his arm and looked through the object.

"There's a back entrance I can see with two guards. There's a lot of civilians. Do we have our-"

"We had to ditch them, remember?" Donny reminded from over Aldo's shoulder.

"I can march up there, unnoticed, and take out the guards. If you quickly run over after that, it should be a straight breeze."

Aldo debated her words mentally, shrugging after a moment.

"Fuck it, why not?"

"I'll go with her."

Everyone looked to Hugo, who had fucking spoke.

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