Ch9. Classes

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I wake up earlier than usual the next morning.

I am way too excited for classes to start.

Once I get dressed into my school robes, I make a detour to breakfast.

When I get to the Great Hall there is only one other person: Professor Dumbledore.

He smiles at me as I sit down and start to fill my plate with chocolate pancakes.


Not long after I have finished my pancakes, Amy comes and sit down beside me.

"Morning, Amy," I say happily

"Morning, Sarah," She says while filling her plate with normal pancakes.

"Hey, try some of the chocolate pancakes, the are the best," I say.

"Sarah, not everyone is a chocolate fanatic like you, but sure," She says putting a few chocolate pancakes on her plate.

"So, are you excited for classes?" I ask.

"Yeah, Of course I am!" She says excitedly. "I am most looking forward to flying lessons, but that's not until Friday."

I am also looking foreword to flying lessons for two reasons 1. I had been practicing all summer on my own broom and 2. I had been told that my Dad was a good flyer and that I would be too.

"Hey Sarah!" Someone says behind me.

It's Fred and George Weasley, Ron's older twin brothers.

"Hello," I say

"So, we hear that you're a prankster?" Says Fred.

"Yeah I am, but where'd you hear that?" I ask

"Bonnie," They say together.

Oh I guess that's what she was talking to them about last night.


I sit down next to Harry on the pink armchair by the fire in the common room.

"Hey Harry. Ron."

"Oh, hey Sarah," Harry says. Ron doesn't say anything.


Not long after, Hermione and Amy come and sit with us.

"Hey Hermione, Amy. Where's Bonnie?" I ask Harry, Ron, Hermione and Amy.

"She's over talking with Fred and George, Ron's brothers," Harry says.

I look over and see Bonnie talking with the two ginger haired twins.

*Flashback over*

"So...we were thinking that we should do a prank. All three of us," They say.

Hmm a prank. Fun!

"Well, I'll think about it. I've go to go to class so-" I begin to say,

"Why now? Class doesn't start for another half hour." They say.

"I know," I say. "But I don't want to be late," I say and I get up with Amy, not realising that Hermione, Harry, Ron and Bonnie are there.

Amy and I are walking towards the front doors when Hermione comes up behind us panting.

"Why didn't you guys wait for me?" She asks.

"Oh, sorry Hermione. It won't happen again."


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