Part 3

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So I'm really bummed because I'm bleeding so I can't ask Michael to sus in exchange for prom. So today I decided to go to the zoo with my friend Zo to get some ideas for my prom dress. We had to pay an annoying $5 to get in so we hopped the fence into the lions cage. Thankfully I know how to deal with this and I thought that it would be a good idea to pretend to be a woman lion so I was crawling around and it was slowly coming closer and people were yelling at me but I think they were just cheering for me. I saw the lion jump and that's the last I remember before waking up in a hospital bed. I can't see very well but what I do see is mom and dad and Steven and Michael. Apparently I got partially eaten and lost a lot of blood. Man I thought I had that lion under control. But now everyone wants interviews with me and I'm famous. I knew that I would become famous. I'm just special. So apparently I've been in this coma for 5 days and now I'm not bleeding anymore so I can ask Michael to prom! So I get to go home today and I'm sad because they serve amazing jello at the hospital. I decided to invite Zo over to hang out and pass time before my scars and stitches heal. She walked in the front door with her face all wet so I asked her why it was wet and she started yelling gibberish words at me for a while and then said that we are over. I was completely confused what she was talking about. Over what? Well I decided that I can't be friends with someone that emo so I pulled out the string cheese and called Michael and Steven and told them to come over. When they came in the door they were falling all over the place and I knew they were intoxicated so I though I would make them coffee and put them in onesies and it was very nice acting like a mama. They even called me mami. They were both looking at each other and than jumped after me. They blindfolded me with the onesie I dressed them in and than carried me somewhere. I thought they were gunna drop me so I told them that and so they did but it didn't hurt because I landed on a bed! I knew what they were gunna do then so I decided it was a good time to relax and then they performed a puppet show. I untied the onesie and said thank you and that I'm exited for prom. They said "of course mami" and I was happy. I spent the rest of the weekend talking to my food and all my stuffed animals. It was amazing!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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