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Chapter One

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Chapter One

The Pevensies


"PROFESSOR Kirke is not accustomed to having children in his house. And as such, there are a few rules we need to follow," Mrs Macready's voice rang throughout the whole house, signalling to me that the Pevensies have arrived.

Grandfather had taken in four children because of the bombings that happened in London and people believed that the children would be safer in the countryside. "There will be no shouting...or running. No improper use of the dumbwaiter," I followed Mrs Macready's voice to where she was.

"NO touching of the historical artefacts! And above all, there shall be no disturbing of the Professor," I show Mrs Macready was walking up the stairs with two boys and two girls following behind her with cases in their hands.

Mrs Macready's eyes find me and she smiled, almost relieved that I was here to take over. She wasn't used to a lot of children because there was normally only me in the house and I usually spent my time in the libraries studying. "Annabell, could you please take the children to their rooms?" she asked me but I knew it was actually an order.

I smiled and nodded, keeping my smile on until Mrs Macready left before sighing and looking at the Pevensies. My eyes ran over the Pevensies, taking in their appearances before smiling at the young girl who looked at 10 with short brown hair and big blue eyes. She still had some baby fat on her face but it made her look even cuter. The second youngest seemed to be a dark-haired, dark-eyed boy who looked about 12 and seemed to be uninterested in being here. The oldest girl had dark hair that framed her pretty face with piercing blue eyes and looked to be around 14. She seemed kinda snobby but I could tell that she was scared and didn't want anyone to notice. The final Pevensies who a boy who looked around 15 and I would have to admit, he was kind of handsome with blonde hair and blue eyes. I didn't stare for too long as I didn't want them to feel awkward. "I'm Annabell, the Professor's Granddaughter," I informed them, smiling at all of them.

"I'm Lucy," The young brown-haired girl spoke before pointing at the dark-haired boy; "That's Edmund." Then she pointed to the older dark hair girl; "That's Susan." Then finally she pointed to the blonde-haired boy; "And that's Peter."

I nodded at all of them as Lucy pointed them before pointing my thumb behind me. "I'll show you to your rooms," I informed them before turning on the spot and walking, hearing them following behind me.

I opened a door, revealing a large double bed with a very large room. "This is the girl's room and your boys is across the hall. If you need anything, my room is just at the end of the hall," I told them before exiting the room and walking to my room.

Suddenly having a desire to have a drink of water, I tied my robe around my nightwear and walked down the hall. When I passed Lucy and Susan's room, I could hear the radio talking about the bombing from last night and I looked into the room to see Lucy in bed with a gloomy expression. I knocked lightly on the door and smiled brightly at Lucy before walking into the room. "Everything okay?" I asked them, noticing that Susan and Peter were also in the room.

"The sheets feel scratchy," Lucy said, her looking down at the sheets and playing with them.

I smiled at her sadly before walking over to the bed and sitting beside her. "Wars don't last forever, Lucy. You'll be home before you know it," I told her, grabbing the comfortable and non-scratchy blanket that was hidden inside the bedside table and handing it to her before winking at her.

"If home's still there," Edmund remarked making me glare at him with no regard for Lucy's feelings.

"Isn't time you were in bed?" Susan commented which made Edmund again remark; "Yes, Mum!"

"ED!" Peter's voice rang through the room making everyone grow silent and his glare made Edmund shift uncomfortably.

Peter then turned back to Lucy before saying; "You saw the outside. This place is huge. We can do whatever we want here. Tomorrow's going to be great...Really."

I smiled at Lucy and the others before leaving the room and grabbing a drink from the kitchen and going to bed, hoping that Peter hadn't jinxed anything about tomorrow. 


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