What... happened...

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Zarya x reader. She still hasn't joined overwatch yet, as she is still part of the Russian Defence Front.

Your P.O.V.

You remember everything that happened... you were with the Overwatch initiative doing routine patrol when rogue omnic terrorists blew up the wall you were walking bye, some parts of you being crushed, some parts blown off, but everything hurt. Your eyelids became too heavy to keep open as you passed out.

When you opened your eyes you were in a bland white room, the lights blaring into your eyes. You moved your arm to cover them... only to find... machines...

You panicked, looking at yourself. You lo9ked like the cyborg, Genji, when he first got his parts. No... no no no... this can't be happening... you cried mentally as you looked at yourself.

Angela walked in, sighing softly. "Its good to see you've finally woken up, (Y/N). We were wondering if the procedure had fai-" she began, only for you to cut her off.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!?" You screamed/shouted at her, tears in your eyes that threatened to fall at a moment's notice.

Angela stood there, stunned. "We saved your life, (Y/N). It's the best anyone could do." She said, trying to keep you calm.

"YOU CALL THIS LIVING!? IM HALF MACHINE! I LOOK LIKE AN OMNIC, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!! I'M A FREAK! A freak! A... freak..." you said, before breaking down into a fit of tears. "I'm... a freak..." you said over and over as your mind kept going back to the person who convinced you to join Overwatch. Aleksandra Zaryanova. Your girlfriend. She hated the omnics as well as people who sided with them.

Where does that place you?

Angela gave you a look of pity. "I know it may be hard to accept, but it was the only way to keep you alive. I'm... I'm sorry... if there were any other way, we would have done it." She said, her voice showing sadness and concern for you. You sat there and cried until you couldn't cry anymore.

-Time skip-
Zarya's P.O.V.

In (Y/N)'s memory I have joined Overwatch. I may be teamed up with Omnics, but I am willing to do so as long as I can avenge my dear (Y/N). It's been three years, and they never returned home nor did I get a notification of their death. I hope they're okay...

She checked around the base, seeing to her quarters. Everyone has their callsign on their doors instead of their real names... interesting.

Your P.O.V.

You sighed, doing routine maintenance on my legs. They may take some work but you can run just like Soldier 76, maybe faster. The team had a new recruit lately, wonder who they are...

"Excuse me, but I am looking for someone to show me around." A familiar Russian female voice asked. You could feel your face heat up, nefirebyou tensed up in fear. It's Zarya... this wasn't supposed to happen this way...

You turned to face Zarya, your mask still covering your face. "I'd love to show you around, let me just finish this real quick." You said, your voice slightly mechanical due to the mask.

Zarya noticeably cringed, seeing you as a machine. "How can I trust someone who is half machine?" She asked, a slight amount of venom in her words.

This hit you like a truck. "I'm... I'm still human at heart, okay?" You said, your voice clearly showing depression. Zarya seemed slightly saddened by your tone of voice, but she was mostly unphased.

"Come on, let me show you around." You said, giving her the grand tour.

-Time skip-

After the tour, Angela, or Mercy as she is now called, walked up to you. "Oh, there you are, (Y/N). Come with me, we need your help working the drop ship." She said.

You followed her until Zarya grabbed your arm. "What was your name again...?" She asked, looking at the ground.

You sighed, taking off your mask. Your face was scarred, some of your jaw having been replaced. "(Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N). It's... it's nice to see you again...  moya lyubov." You said, starting to cry.

Zarya pulled you in for a big bear hug. "Why.mm why didn't you tell me you were alive... I love you, (Y/N). No amount of metal on or in you can change that." She said, starting to cry as well.

"I live you too, Aleksandra." You said, smiling for the first time since the incident."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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