†Chapter Six†

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Loyalty's POV

"Yes!" I shouted doing a double fist pump and standing up. Matt, sighed.
"I am turning this off now," He said, I pouted.
"Matt come one don't be a sore loser!" I whined. I heard the door open I turned around happily, I figured it was Osore. "Hey Os-" I started but immediately stopped talking when I saw Mello in the doorway. "Hey Mello where have you been?" He gave me a funny look as I nervously scratched the back of my head, I almost called Mello, Osore that would have raised allot of questions.
"Hey guys what are you doing?" He asked hesitantly, he seemed nervous.
"Playing Mario Kart, what's going on?" Matt asked throwing the controller on the couch.
"Nothing much I just had a meeting with the guys, Loyalty I hate to ask you this but," I frowned is he going to ask me to leave? I don't want to leave. "You said yesterday you knew how Kira was killing, care to explain?" Matt and I both froze, in place. I didn't think he would ask me that!
"I- Uh- I," Mello gave me a stern look,
"Loyalty did you lie about that?" He asked angrily I hate seeing him this way, I hate seeing him mad at me, but what is his reaction going to be if I tell him? Will he take the Death Note? Wait where is my Death Note? I began looking around Matt sighed and did a small head motion to the bed where the note book was, I didn't say anything about how it got there and I didn't stare at it for to long incase Mello saw and began asking what I was looking at. I noticed the door open and I saw Osore walk in Mello turned looking at the door shocked. "Did you guys see that?" He asked.
"See what? Matt can I talk to you in the hall for a minute be right back Mello!" I said frantically I grabbed Matt's wrist and pulled him into the hallway. I slammed the door as we left Mello standing in the room with a look of curiosity and anger on his face. "Should we tell him?" I asked once the door had closed, I wasn't whispering but I was talking quieter then usual.
"Should we tell him? Seriously you know Mello, who knows what he will do when he finds out, I don't even know what he will do when he finds out, but at the same time he wont stop asking until he finds out, he knows something's up now, he will be a personal quest to figure out what's going on," Matt told me as he thought it over.
"Matt that didn't answer the question it only made it more difficult to answer," I said angrily.
"Look we will find out more about what is going on we wont tell him about the Death Note just yet, truth is we have a member of the SPK in the mafia telling us information, I will find out what they know and get back to you maybe they know about the notebook," Matt said. I nodded.
"I just hate seeing him so angry at me," I said looking at my feet. I felt Matt's arms wrap around me.
"Don't worry about him he cant stay mad at you for long, its' impossible," He said. I heard the bedroom door slam open and Matt and I quickly jumped away from each other, I turned to the door to se an extremely pissed off Mello. "Hey Mello what-"
"I think you need to leave Loyalty, I will get someone to drive you home," He snarled I felt tears threaten to spill out of my eyes, but it was soon replaced with anger.
"Fine," I said. Mello glared harshly at Matt. Someone turned into the Hallway but stopped when he saw us. He wore a suit and was a couple feet taller then me, he had blonde hair and I noticed the letters above his head spelt out Zakk Irius he would die on October 29th 2009. The man was going to walk away when Mello stopped him.
"Zakk take Loyalty home," Mello ordered.
"Sure Mello," he motioned for me to follow him.
"One second," I said I ran back into the room and grabbed my death note and my bag, I quickly ran after Zakk. Osore followed. I glanced at Matt and Mello who glared at each other with looks of pure hate. I slowed down as I caught up to Zakk, we silently walked out of the building, our footsteps where the only sound we heard. When we passed the front room I kept a straight face, I could feel everyone there looking at me. I showed no fear; I saw Zakk had a smirk plastered on his face. I don't trust this guy he seems like a rapist, I swear if he tries anything on the ride home I will kill him no matter how pissed BB will be at me for killing someone before their time. Zakk and I got into Matt's car, at least I assumed it was Matt's car but I didn't know how Zakk got the keys maybe Matt gave them to him when I was grabbing my bag. Zakk opened the door for me I hesitantly got in. He shut the door and got into the driver's seat then he drove away from the hideout.

Matt's POV

I stood in the hall talking to Loyalty, "I just hate seeing him so angry at me," She said looking at her feet. I wrapped my arms around her, alright you caught me I did like her but Mello loved her more then anything I knew that, I told him I would back off and I would, but this doesn't count she's upset.
"Don't worry about him he cant stay mad at you for long, its' impossible," I told her. I heard the bedroom door slam open and Loyalty and I both quickly jumped away from each other, I turned to the door to see an extremely pissed off Mello. "Hey Mello what-"
"I think you need to leave Loyalty, I will get someone to drive you home," He snarled.
"Fine," She said. Mello glared harshly at me. Someone turned the corner I noticed it was Zakk. He was going to walk away when Mello stopped him.
"Zakk take Loyalty home," Mello ordered.
"Sure Mello," he motioned for me to follow him.
"One second," Loyalty said she ran back into the room, I tossed my keys to Zakk,
"I don't want to see a scratch on her," I warned. He caught the car keys and smirked.
"The car or the girl?" He asked.
"Both," Mello and I said at the same time, Loyalty quickly ran after Zakk. Osore followed her. Loyalty only glanced at us once, I watched her turn the corner until she was out of sight. The second she was out of ear shot Mello pushed me against the wall grabbing me by the collar.
"What's going on between you two?" He shouted at me.
"Mello I can honestly say-" I started he slammed me against the wall again.
"Are you dating her, dude you know how much I like her you said you would back off-" Mello shouted.
"Mello!" I interrupted. "I am not dating her I know you like her and I have kept my promise to back off," I explained
"Then what was that conversation about what are you two not telling me?" He shouted.
"You eavesdropped?" I asked he let go of my collar and back away his angry expression softening.
"Uh, yeah sorry about that but seriously-" He started
'How much did you hear? When did you stop listening?" I asked.
"I stop listening at 'Matt that didn't answer the question," He told me. I sighed in relief. 'So he doesn't know about the Death note,' I thought to myself.
"Look Mello I will tell you what we where talking about, if you tell me what was going on in the meeting," I said simply. "and Loyalty has to be here when I tell you,"She's going to hate me.
"Are you sure your not sleeping with her? Oh my god Matt did you get her pr-" he started.
"Dude! I am not sleeping with her and she is not pregnant if she is its' not mine," I interrupted him. Mello sighed in relief. 'He seriously thought I was sleeping with her,' I thought to myself. Mello and I walked back into my room and sat on the couch.
"Wait did I send Zakk to take Loyalty home," Mello groaned, I nodded. "I swear if she's hurt I'm going to kill him," As if one cue Mello's phone started ringing, "Its' Loyalty," Mello said looking at the caller ID. We had all exchange phone numbers last night so we could keep in contact. "Loyalty-" He stopped talking for a minute, "What happened? If Zakk did something I am going to kill him," Mello snarled. "Alright Matt and I will be there in a minute, just calm down take deep breaths and try to stop crying," That caught my attention she was crying? Why the hell was she crying! Mello hung up the phone and looked at me, "Matt something happened to Loyalty she said Zakk had nothing to do with it but I cant be sure," We both ran out of the room Zakk was just parking beside the building when we got outside, Mello immediately held a gun to his head when he got out of the car. "What did you do to her!" He shouted. Zakk raised his hands defensively.
"What? Who Sin? or L? Or Loyalty or whatever her name is, I didn't do anything to her, I dropped her off outside her apartment then left, I didn't even walk her in the build," He said quickly.
"Then why Zakk did she just call me bawling her eyes out?" Mello shouted at him again.
"Mello we don't have time to question him Loyalty needs us," I told him he nodded and got in the passenger seat of the car, I grabbed the keys from Zakk and got in the drivers seat. I started the car then got out when I realized something. We don't know where she lives. "Zakk where does she live?" He handed me a piece f paper with an address, I got back in the car and drove as fast as I could towards her place. Mello began ranting about how he didn't believe Zakk I stopped him mid sentence. "Mello think about something else for a minute alright tell me what happened in the meeting you had what did Ill Ratt tell you?" Mello started to explain what was said in the meeting but every time he mentioned Loyalty's name he would get angry again. "There are chocolate bars in the glove box Mello," He grabbed a chocolate bar taking the dramatic bites that annoyed everyone. Loyalty please be alright...

Loyalty's POV

The ride home was silent thankfully this Zakk guy didn't try anything I occasionally glanced at Osore who was flying behind us, something was up with him, I wonder just what he heard when he went to find Mello or better yet what he saw. But worried me more was that Mello was angry with me and I didn't know why. I looked at my hand's, which rested on the top on my bag. The car came to a stop. "Need me to walk you inside?" Zakk asked he seemed nice but I didn't want him anywhere near me home.
"No thank you, thanks for the ride," I told him getting out I waited for Osore to land and then we went inside, I tried to open the door but it was locked. That weird BB never locks the door. Is he here? I took out my key and went inside, "Hey BB I'm home!" There was no answer I took no notice to it, it wasn't unusual for BB not to answer. I will talk to him later. I kept my eyes on the ground as I went to my room. I put my bag on my bed then went and changed into some more casual clothes. I suddenly heard a gunshot. My head shot up. "BB?" I asked. No answer. "BB? Ryuzaki? Hey answer me!" I called. There was still no answer I walked over to the door slowly I froze in place when my foot touched what felt like a thick water, I started shaking and looked down, sure enough touching my toes was a red sticking liquid. Blood. That's blood. I thought to myself. "BB?" I whispered with a shaky hand I opened the door. The first thing I saw was someone's hand. Then a body started to come into view, I heard a clang and my headshot away from the body before I could identify who it was. I saw a man standing nervously with a gun in his hand, he looked at me with a mixture of emotions on his face. Then it hit me I had no idea who this man was where was BB? Then it hit me a little later then I expected I looked down at the guy on the floor he lay in a pool of blood I didn't need to flip over the body to know who it was. It was Beyond Birthday. Suddenly a mixture of emotions cam flowing through me but the one that overpowered them all was anger. I glared hatefully at the man; BB had better not be dead. I snarled in my head I walked over to BB's body and check for a pulse my heart dropped when I found none. Before I could even cry I saw the name above the man's head and the time he had a long time to live, to long. He had committed murder. He was a killer just like Kira. Before I was fully aware of what I was doing I ran into my room and grabbed the Death Note from my bag I grabbed a pen and wrote in the man's name, beside it I wrote Suicide I quickly went into the lving room with my Death Note and watched the man, he looked scared and he was shaking. Then he brought the gun up to his head, and pulled the trigger. I smirked, wait I was smiling, I watched the man's body fall lifelessly to the floor, then it hit me, I just used my Death Note. I had just smirked while watching someone die. I was a murderer. I was not better then Kira. I threw the Death Note and pen then fell to the floor I turned over BB's body and saw his eyes staring at me, I check for a pulse but found nothing. Tears started pouring from my eye's "Ryuzaki, Ryuzaki please please you cant be dead, you cant leave me here!" I shouted, I started sobbing and shaking violently. Mello I have to call Mello. I shakily picked up my phone and dialed Mello's number. "Loyalty-"
"What happened? If Zakk did something I am going to kill him," Mello snarled.
"No... Mello... Zakk h-had nothing to-to do with this, I... I need you to come here... please... please Mello... hurry... Mello I... I don't know what to do!" I sobbed.
"Alright Matt and I will be there in a minute, just calm down take deep breaths and try to stop crying," With that he hung up I did the same, I stayed sobbing over BB's body, he had a bullet in his chest, it most likely hit his heart and killed him. This cant be happening, BB had longer then this to live when I checked last he shouldn't have died today. This leaves me to one conclusion. Kira killed him.
"Loyalty, I-" I heard Osore start.
"No shut up! I don't want anything to do with you anymore! I hate you this is your fault!" I shouted at him. He looked ashamed. He stayed quiet not looking at me, and then he turned and left. He didn't take the Death Note and I still owned it because I remembered it existed. But I didn't care I didn't mean what I said to Osore this was my fault all of it. My fault. I sobbed covering BB's blood covered shirt in blood. How could I let this happen?

Loyalty (Death Note Mello Story)(Unedited)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant