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A/N: This will be a six-part Hogwarts Reunion story that I will update everyday. Obviously, this is not set in the same universe as "Hermione's Reunion".

this story has been reviewed by cherru128


Thursday, May 1, 2008

"Come on, let's go," Harry Potter called up the stairs. He was standing at the fireplace impatiently, foot tapping and one hand holding a bag full of green powder, a fire already going despite it being May.

"Hold your horses, we're on our way down," his wife yelled back. Sure enough, a second later, Harry could hear the sound of three pairs of feet heading down the stairs, one much slower than the others, and after the final stomp, around the corner came his wife of three years, Kandy, dragging along their four-year-old son, James Sirius. Kandy knew all about Harry's past, (both what the entire wizarding world knew and what only Harry had previously known) and had agreed to name their first child in honor of Harry's father and godfather. Behind James tottered in Mark, named after Kandy's beloved grandfather who had passed away three years ago.

The small family was on their way to England, to reconnect with Harry's old friends and attend a reunion being held at Hogwarts the next day, to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the day that Voldemort was defeated. Harry was the guest of honor.

Harry's best friend, Ron, was coming to the reunion, too. Ron didn't have a wife or kids. Though he had gone on a few dates over the years, he had never really delved into any serious relationship, and Harry knew that he was secretly still hung up on their old best friend, Hermione Granger.

Harry and Ron had at first written to their friends and family all of the time, and even spared a few visits. After a few months, however, the letters had become few and far in between, being sent mainly to Molly Weasley, as she still cared about her son's and his best friend's well-being, and the visits had stopped altogether.

Now, almost ten years since they had left, the last letter either of them had sent back home had been from Ron to his mother, four months ago, excluding the owls sent to confirm that Ron, Harry, and Harry's family would be staying at the Burrow. Neither Harry nor Ron had written to Hermione in five years, simply because they had been busy with their new jobs (Ron having to find a new job every few months) and Hermione hadn't pursued more contact, though they weren't sure why.

Harry, his family, and Ron were on their way to the Burrow now. They would stay there overnight and head to the reunion the next day.

As Kandy gathered up a few last-minute things for James, Harry bought about the conversation he had had with Ron the previous night when they had gone out for drinks.

Harry thought carefully on what he was about to say. "Look, Ron, I know you're hoping to see Hermione at the reunions; maybe even win her back."

"Am I that transparent?" asked Ron sheepishly. Harry gave him a tight smile.

"But, mate, we left ten years ago, haven't even heard from her in five, and, most chances are, she's already moved in and got her own life."

"Oh, come on, Harry. I know it's been awhile, but Hermione was all over me in school, and she's never exactly been the most... sought out witch, you know? She's probably a librarian or something, spending her Friday nights eating dinner all alone at her house... It must have torn her apart when I left her. I was her first real boyfriend, after all."

Ten Years Later ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora