Chapter 4: Where the heck...

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Skye POV

I needed Chase to inspect a hole in a tree and I called him. No answer, but he always answered me. I tried again. Still no answer. I called Ryder.

"Something's wrong" I said.

"What is wrong?" Ryder answered.

"Chase won't answer me and he always answers me" I replied.

"He should be at the temple. Go check it" Ryder said.

"Ok, Skye Out" I said.

I got to the temple and was hit hard by someone in black.

Rubble POV

I heard Skye scream, I had always had a crush on her, but she LOVED Chase. I was always jealous and thought this was my chance to get Skye to like me. But of course it did NOT go that way. I was also whacked with a baseball bat.

I woke up sometime later and Skye was crying.

"I just wanted to save Chase for once" she said.

"Hey, you've got me" I said.

"Thanks Rubble" she said. Then she hugged me

Yes! I thought. She also likes me in a different way than just being friends.

"You're a great friend" she said.

Damn, I just got friend zoned, I thought, which was totally true, she only liked me as a friend.

A/N: Well so much for that ship. LOL.

Chase POV

I woke up next to a Yorkshire Terrier, I was disgusted, I heard a bird tweeting madly and I looked away, I was tranquilized by the Yorkshire Terrier and I fell to the ground.

I woke up again.

"Hey" she said "My name is Clara".

"I'm Chase and your love potion did NOT work" I answered.

"Dang it!" Clara said.

"Now buzz off!" Chase said.

"Fine" Clara said as she lowered her had and walked away with puppy eyes.

"Nope, not working" Chase said "Now, where am I and how do I get out of here?"

A/N: To Be Continued...

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