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Hi I'm Micha and I'll be publishing here some of my drawings.

I'm not that good I'm still learning a lot of things, so if something looks weird or you just simply don't like please tell me what is it. I'll redo or practice more on this "weird" thing.

I really appreciate feedack but don't spread hate.

I will try to update this book at least once a week. As it's still vacation it'll be easy but I don't know how it'll be when I'll go study on uni. Especially because everyhing will be new for me and I'll probably have a lot of things to take care of and of course I'll have to learn so be understanding.

Enough talk already!

Tomorrow I'll post first drawings ^^

Dedicated to my dear friends
semipai gayhyungie Steampowered_Dragon otakuinglasses milkoutarou

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