Captain Axel just looked at the boy happily. He had absolutely no idea what was going on. All he knew was that he was going on a car ride.

Once the boys got back to the Braun residence, it was silent between them. Reiner sighed as he exited the car, walking over to the front of his house to open the door. He then began to make his way back to the car. Bertholdt watched from the passenger side, with guilt and pity washing over him like ocean waves. The boy turned back to the dog reaching over to pet him. "We'll be back in a week. Y-You be good for Mr. and Mrs. Braun while Reiner's gone, okay?"

Captain Axel barked as if he understood Bertholdt, but it was only because the tallest boy was petting him.

Reiner opened the backseat car door and pointed to the front door of the house. "C'mon Captain. Inside."

Doing as his master said, the lovable Saint Bernard jumped out of the car. He raced into the house and out of the corner of his eye, Bertholdt could see Mrs. Braun there to shut the front door.

Reiner got back in the driver's seat and started his car once more, "Alright, let's go get Annie." He said as he began to back out of his driveway.

Bertholdt looked over to him and nodded. "O-Okay."
Meanwhile, Annie was waiting on her front porch for the boys, her patience wearing thin. "I swear if they aren't here soon, I'm going to knee them in the stomach so hard, they won't-" Before she could finish, she heard a car horn honking. She glanced up to see Reiner's car pulling into her driveway. "They are so lucky." She mumbled as she grabbed her suitcase and exited her house. Annie made her way over to the car and placed her bag in the trunk. Once that was accomplished, she entered the back seat. "About time you guys got here. What took you so long?"

"I-It's a long story..." Bertholdt stammered, feeling butterflies in his stomach.

Annie shrugged and leaned back in her seat. She glanced down to see the blankets on the floor of the car. "Do I want to know why there are blankets on the-"

"No!" Bertholdt interrupted. "I-I mean...yes! Um...I mean, just don't ask." He awkwardly chuckled.

The blonde raised an eyebrow confused at him. "Okay?"

Reiner looked back to Annie as if he were explaining the situation, "Bertholdt doesn't like to have fun, that's what happened."

"H-Hey! I like to have fun!" Bertholdt tried to defend himself, "Just...when there's no consequences involved."

Reiner went back to looking hurt and offended, "Then ya just should've let it happen. No one would've blamed you."

"Yeah, but I-I was worried for your sake. You're my best friend Reiner...and I-I didn't want to see you get in trouble..."

Reiner gave a slightly sarcastic smile, "I would've been fine. I'm charming enough to get myself out of any trouble"

Annie, who was staring out the window, rolled her eyes. "Sure you are." She said quietly.

"Look, I'm really sorry b-but have to look at things like that logically..." The v-fringed male turned to look at his best friend. "Is there anyway I can make it up to you?"

Reiner turned his face away from his best friend and spoke dramatically, "I don't know. I'm sure there's irreparable damage to my sensitive little heart."

"I-I said I was sorry!" Bertholdt exclaimed, clearly upset. "I didn't mean to make you mad...or sad...or both." He groaned as he put his face into his hands, his voice muffled a bit.

The brawny teen laughed lightly and shoved his friend, "Dude, chill it's okay."

The taller male lifted his head out of his hands slowly, his eyes wide with surprise. "Y-You aren't mad at me?"

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