Chapter 5

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Harry and Niall were never able to correlate their schedules enough to where they could go out. There were many nights that they would come home, but were too tired to leave the house. Picnic dates in their living room would have to suffice until Niall was out of classes for the summer.

Harry would never let Niall cancel on his friends during the weekends, and Niall didn't want to bother Harry too much after work during the week. It's gotten to the point again where Niall doesn't even ask if Harry wants to tag along, or if he'd rather Niall didn't go. Their time spent together had grown limited, and it seems that they spend more time together when they're asleep than they do any other time. Sometimes, very rarely, Niall or Harry would get home around the exact same time, and they would cook dinner together as a way of bonding. Yet, due to their exhaustion after class and work, that was the most they could do before Harry would drag himself to bed, as Niall continued course work and revising for his final exams, which are getting closer and more intimidating each day.

Niall's schedule of coming to bed late during the night, sometimes crawling in after three, became almost a nightly occurrence. Harry had grown so used to it that he doesn't wake up when he does so. Sadly, Niall's insomnia has started to take over his sleep schedule, as it seems that every night, around 3:30 or 4, Niall would be awoken by sudden pains in his stomach. He's too proud to let Harry know, if he doesn't already, but he does have an annual doctor's check-up on Friday that might be able to help him out a bit.

Niall doesn't like looking anything up when something seems detrimental to his health, as it seems that the internet likes to dramatize everything, and it would make him more worried than he believes he should be.

Little to his knowledge, Harry already does know about Niall's nightly occurrences, only, he doesn't know exactly what's keeping the boy awake. Niall downplays everything, as he doesn't want to worry his lover, so Harry had done some investigating during the weekends when Niall is out with friends, whether he be studying or at the pub. Harry hasn't been able to pinpoint anything around the house, and is hoping he'll be able to figure something out during the coming nights. Niall rarely ever leaves the bed during his pains, but would instead just sit up and look at himself in the mirror on their dresser that's directly in front of their bed, which makes Harry wonder if something is really wrong with Niall at all.

Niall never leaves the bed, solely because most of his pains usually wear off after half an hour or so, and most nauseous feelings go away as long as he stays sitting up during the time that his pains appear. He also doesn't want to cause a ruckus, as he did on the first night this occurred, and accidentally wake Harry up. The last thing he needs is Harry badgering him for information he doesn't have. Not only that, but Harry would automatically assume the worst, and jump to conclusions and immediately make Niall see someone.

When Niall returned home that Friday, he couldn't stop wondering if the doctor was correct by sending Niall home without a proper diagnosis. Niall had mentioned that it had been a nightly occurrence, pointing to the regions where he had felt pain the most. He mentioned the nausea and the toll it has been taking on his sleep patterns. Yet, the doctor only noted that it was probably a bit of stress and unhealthy eating habits that were affecting him so much. He had advised Niall to take it a bit easier to see if that helps it, but Niall knew that he wouldn't be able to do that very well, with how close the end of his semester was. Niall did plan on spending less time going out to the pub on the weekends, hoping to whittle it back to only Friday nights, leaving Saturday and Sunday to rest his body.

While Niall had been getting ready to leave, Harry had just walked into the apartment after a long day of work, and an even more exhausting drive home through unbearable traffic. Harry smiled at his lover when he entered their room, only getting a nod in return. "You off?" Harry asked as he started to take his own clothes off.

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