Moms Suck

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The rest of the day was boring. Nothing eventful happened, just alot of lectures from teachers, crapy puns from Ashton, and inappropriate jokes from Michael. Jax's favorite being "Lets play titanic. You be ice berg and ill go down."

Even Friday was pretty boring. I did have a tutor session with Jax and we had alot to do because we didnt do anything on Wednesday since the boys were there.

Basically it went:
*do a few problems
*gets distracted
*say we wont get distracted again
*does more problems
*gets distracted agian
*gives up

Yeah, we should really work on that. It wasn't my fault though, she was the one that kept joking around and stuff.

But anyways, it was now Saturday and i was hella bored. All i could really think about is the blue haired beauty. I was sitting in my living room with Ben and Jack (😍😍😍) when I heard the doorbell ring and said i would get it. When i open the door i see a pale face, puffy eyed Jax. I could tell she had been crying and it broke my heart.

When she saw me she immediately started crying harder. I took her in my arms and tried to calm her as much as i could. As she sobbed into my chest i soothingly stroked her hair.

Once she was calmed down i walked her up to my bedroom. We sat down on the bed and i turned to face her.

"What happened baby?" Now listen, i dont know why the hell i said the things i did or called her baby but we're gonna deal with it.

"M-my mom... shes back again." She buried her face in my chest and sobbed. Why was her mom coming back so bad?
"Jax, why are you crying isn't that a good thing?"
"Every time she c-comes back sh-she ruins everything. This time she brought her stupid boyfriend back with her."
"Its okay. Its gonna be okay. Where are the kids?"
"Jason and Cece are there with her, they're so happy she's back, i cant believe it. She probably holding Carter trying to act like a good mom, and Noah ran off to his room when he saw her." We were so close she practically sitting on my lap, in fact, she kinda was. (Get your filthy mind out if the gutter!)
"Come on. Ill take you back to your house. Noah obviously doesn't sound too happy about her being back. He will need you to be there with him."
"Will you stay with me?"
"Of course. I wont ever leave you."

Luna and Sole // Luke | COMPLETE ✔Where stories live. Discover now