Passions (Coco)

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Hey guys! I'm putting a little disclaimer here saying that there are spoilers for the Coco trailer here, and for some of the plot, but the movie will likely remain largely unspoiled (assuming that I didn't have a stroke of genius as I was writing this, and by some miracle it is exactly like the movie). I know almost nothing about Coco, as it is still five months away, and I haven't done a ton of research on the film. What I do know is that the movie is set in Mexico, and the main character is a twelve year old named Miguel. He loves music and wants to be a famous musician, but he has to do it in secret because his family has a ban on music (.. don't know what's going on there, but I have some guesses). That's all I've got to go off of, so here it is! Hope you enjoy!

There will be at least one iconic quote from another Pixar movie in here. See if you can find it! ;)

"Miguel! Let's go!" The sound of his mother's voice reminded the boy that they were supposed to be leaving right away. He jumped to his feet, stashing his guitar away in a little nook in the corner of the small attic. He hadn't been playing it; his family would never allow that. If they found out he knew it was up here, the polished wood grain guitar with all its beautiful designs would likely be destroyed. No, Miguel couldn't play the guitar, not while his family was here with him, but that wouldn't stop him from holding it, just getting familiar with the weight of it in his hands, imagining himself creating the most sonorous melodies anyone in Mexico had ever heard.

"Coming, Mama!" He called back, scrambling down the rickety ladder that led to the main floor of the tiny old house. When his mother turned around to see her son, she smiled warmly at him. He returned the grin, and put on his shoes to follow her to the marketplace.

It was one of the oldest family traditions they had, going to the market every Sunday. Miguel never ceased to be amazed by everything the merchants all around him were offering, and the people clustering together happily to share news, but most of all, the street performers. Every time he visited the busy street corner, Miguel would scour the area for a performer who was putting on a show of a certain nature. The sound of chords being struck on a guitar and ringing through the air resonantly made Miguel whip around. With a huge smile on his face, he walked towards the woman who was playing the guitar. She didn't seem to notice what was going on around her, she was so lost in the music she was creating. Miguel took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

I'll be doing this one day. Miguel told himself. Maybe he'd even get to perform in the Teatro de Los Antepasados, as Ernesto de la Cruz had!

"Miguel!" The sharp voice of his mother made Miguel jump, and his eyes snapped open as his arm was grabbed tightly. "Come on!" Before he could open his mouth to defend himself, his mother was pulling him away from the music. No! Miguel strained to hear the notes that were still ringing lowly through the air, but they were fading fast. Miguel began walking beside his mother through the crowds again, avoiding her gaze. A minute or two passed, until she finally stopped, and he did the same. Miguel knew she was waiting for him to look at her, so he did just that. He expected her eyes to be lit with fury, but when he looked at her, he only saw disappointment.

"Miguel. You know better than to wander off like that." She sounded more sad than anything.

"I'm sorry." He responded, looking back towards the ground. She wasn't happy with him, but it had nothing to do with his wandering off. This was about the music. He wasn't supposed to be anywhere near it.

"Don't do that again, please, mijo."

"Yes, Mama."

"Now, let's go find that bread. We're having capirotada tonight, remember?" Miguel's mother lifted his chin gently with her hand. She was smiling once again. Brightening, Miguel followed her towards the area where the bread would be sold.

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